The title graphic of this website, 'A Métis Palimpsest.'


The purpose of this website is to present an exploration of contemporary Métis* identity through an examination of Métis relationships with the land in northern North America. A website based approach allows for this exploration to be carried out in a non-linear way through a combination of text, pictures, and sound. Hyperlinking allows different sections to speak to and cross-reference each other in ways that would be difficult or even impossible to achieve on paper.

The exploration presented is of course my own, that of a two-spirit Métis scholar with a distinctive background and idiosyncratic approach to the materials. What that means practically for you the visitor, is that you can approach the site in at least two different ways. You can work your way through the site along the grain of the materials as I have presented and interlinked them, or you could go through the site across the grain of the obvious presentation instead.

Whichever of the many ways you may choose, the navigational links at the bottom left of the page will always be available. If you hover over each one, a tool tip will pop up with a brief description of where each link will take you. Should you need a more linear passage through the site, it is possible to go through them in order.

As it happens, it is well worth hovering just about anything to see what will pop up. Please be reassured that these are tool tip pop ups, never the obnoxious ones you have to click to dismiss and that a sensible web browser will prevent from ever appearing in the first place. At times what pops up may well be blithering nonsense, like a commercial break while abstaining from trying to sell you something or convince you of something else. There are two types of pop ups that may be more useful, depending on your interests. Those marked by a superscripted symbol are short comments or explanations that are interesting while not being key to the text. Those marked by superscripted numbers will show a source reference. Full details can be seen in the References section.

Song Photo Credits: The photos used in the Four Times Song video are being applied exclusively to a non-profit use. Their original sources are documented on the Resources page.

Four Times Song | Travel Layer | Place Layer | Métis Trail Layer | Story Layer | Four Times Identity

References | Resources | Transcripts | To The Moonspeaker

Creative Commons License A Métis Palimpsest by Carla A. Osborne is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Canada License.