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Where some ideas are stranger than others...

AMAZONS at the Moonspeaker

The Moonspeaker:
Where Some Ideas Are Stranger Than Others...

Webster's First New intergalactic WICKEDARY of the English Language

Conjured by Mary Daly in cahoots with Jane Caputi

With an Experimental Webbing by Alexiares


Apocalypse Now

In the first draft of this introduction, it was titled "Apocalypse Then," but in considering what has been happening at an ever accelerating rate over the past eighteen months, my original text is not as fitting as it was. Many people in european-language regions understand the term "apocalypse" as referring to "an event involving destruction or damage on an awesome or catastrophic scale" by extension from the christian appropriation of the term to refer to "the complete and final destruction of the world," both definitions being from the OED. However, the origins of the word are in greek, from the verb apokaluptein, "to uncover, hide." Readers familiar with the homeric epic The Odyssey may recognize the Goddess Calypso's name is from the root verb, kaluptein, "to cover, hide." Despite having the dubious life experience of attending a catholic school and reading one version of the "Book of Revelation" the notion of the apocalypse comes from, I have never quite understood how anyone could conflate revealing truth or consequences with total destruction. Today, it seems the point those writers were making is that rather than face or reveal the truth, the phallotechnocrats would prefer to destroy the world for the rest of us first. That such destruction is actually beyond their power is not nearly so obvious to the rest of us as it should be, though to be sure, the phallotechnocrats can and have done a great deal of damage.

Then again, perhaps that is what is the most difficult to accept truth the present grim circumstances are showing: that the sort of world we have gotten used to, like it or not, is self-destructive and is now undeniably destroying itself – and it isn't going to take us with it.

The After Word-Web

  • anti-biotic 🌚 n ["tending to prevent, inhibit or destroy life Webster's] : Anti-biotic terms and phrases are anti-life, invented and promulgated by the phallotechnological establishment for the purpose of preventing, inhibiting, and destroying lfe. They only rarely have a resemblance to terms and phrases that Name natural realities, while blatantly expressing the necrophilia and cynicism of their fabricators. [W]
  • archetype 🌛 🌕 n [derived fr. Gk arche- original + typein to strike, beat; akin to L stuprum defilement, dishonor, SKt tupati, tumpati he hurts – Webster's] : model/pattern designed to beat, defile, dishonor, and hurt Original Female Elemental Powers. Examples: the Great Whore of Babylon, the Eternal Feminine, the vagina dentata.
  • Be-Laughing 🌛 : expression of Elemental humor, carrying Lusty Laughers into the Background: ontological Laughing; be-ing Silly together; Laughing that cracks man-made pseudo-reality; Laughing that breaks the Terrible Taboo, Touching the spirits of women, enlivening auras, awakening Hope. See Metafooling; Terrible Taboo; Laughing Out Loud, Virtue of; Silly (W-W 2).
  • Compass ["(also magnetic compass) an instrument containing a magnetized pointer that shows the direction of magnetic north and bearing from it" O.E.D.] 🌚 : The Sinful Sense of Direction of Sibyls practising Space-Craft, entering a different context and showing the many Ways of Spinning beyond the foreground compass. Also see Be-Wilder (W-W 1). [W]
  • compass ["the range or scope of something; the enclosing limit of an area" O.E.D.] 🌚 : The false limits set down by snoolish space controllers to discourage walking/walking the Wrong Way or otherwise Voyaging Out. [W]
  • doomsday clock 🌜 1: instrument for measuring archetypal deadtime: any clock of clockocracy, Crone-logically recognized as marking out the beat of the patriarchal death march. 2: symbol for the measurement of time in the State of Possession; symbol for possessed time, tidy time, nuclear time, doomed time. N.B.: Since 1947 the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has displayed a "doomsday clock" which represents the degree of nuclear peril as perceived by the editors. "Midnight" represents the hour of nuclear holocaust. Twice the hands of the clock have been moved as close as three minutes to midnight. See Appendicular Web Four.
  • dummy 🌜 n ["an imitation, copy, or likeness of something intended for use as a substitute: EFFIGY" – Webster's] : a species of elementary: simulation of Elemental reality; any component of the plastic world. See elementaries (W-W 1).
  • elementary 🌛 🌕 : characterized by artificiality, lack of depth, aura, and interconnectedness with living be-ing; marked by a derivative and parasitic relation to Elemental reality.
  • Haggard 🌝 🌗 adj ["obs: INTRACTABLE, WILLFUL, WANTON.... wild in appearance: as a of the eyes: wild and staring b of a person: WILD-EYED" – Webster's] : These definitions have been awarded Websters' Intergalactic Seal of Approval.
  • Hexing 🌝 [hex "to practice witchcraft upon: put a hex on" – Webster's] : Spell-casting by Hags/Hexes who practice Witch-Craft on the Boundaries of patriarchy, the State of Atrocity; Positively Revolting Willing by Hags. See Be-Wishing (W-W 1).
  • Horse Sense ["plain shrewd unsophisticated horse sense" Webster's] 🌚 : A Canny capacity to See, Hear, Touch, Taste, and Sniff out the Angelic/Elemental messages coming from all directions of Nags/Hags; a Primal Navigational Aid. [W]
  • mummy n 🌚 : An archetypal elementary term intended to erase all genuine thought processes while creating, enforcing, and preserving dead bodies of knowledge. [W]
  • Nixing 🌝 [nix "slang: VETO, FORBID, PROHIBIT, BAN, REJECT, CANCEL" – Webster's] : Spell-casting by Nixes: Denouncing the drooling of fools, the droning of clones, the mindless devastations wrought by Stag-nations; the Nilling by Nixes of Nothing-lovers. See Nothing-lovers (W-W 3).
  • reversal 🌛 🌒 n : fundamental mechanism employed in the world-construction and world-maintenance of patriarchy; basic method employed in the making of patriarchal myths, ideologies, institutions, policies, and strategies; mad, master-minded maneuver characteristic of mirrordom: INVERSION – turning everything inside out and upside down. Examples a: the absurd story of Eve's birth from Adam. b: the belief that man is superior to animals. c: the worship of male divinity. d: the belief that the Radical Feminist world view is "narrow" and/or "dated."
  • Sense of Direction 🌚 : The Sense of Crones who apply their Labyrinthine Sense. A skill in walking/talking the Wrong Way, moving in Wicked directions, opening doors to other dimensions, Other Spatial perceptions See Final Cause, Wicked (W-W 1); Widdershins, Wild-Goose Chase, Witch Way, Every. [W]
  • Sense of Wonder 🌚 : Not to be confused with the dummy term sensawunda associated with mid-twentieth century pulp science fiction novels featuring updated patriarchal imagery and glorification of axes of evil. See Be-ing, Intuition of (W-W 4). [W]
  • Spinning 🌛 🌗 1 : Gyn/Ecological creation; Dis-covering the lost thread of connectedness within the cosmos and repairing this thread in the process; whirling and twirling the threads of Life on the axis of Spinsters' own be-ing. 2 : turning quickly on one's heel; moving Counterclockwise; whirling away in all directions from the death march of patriarchy.
  • X-ing 🌝 : the Qualitative Leaping of Contrary-Wise Crones who are experiencing Syn-Crone-icities and Other "inexplicable" phenomena.
  • Thirteen 🌝 n : Positively Wicked Number. See Appendicular Web Four.
Here for the page design, introductory text, and annotations only: Copyright © C. Osborne 2025
Last Modified: Sunday, January 19, 2025 02:30:00