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Where some ideas are stranger than others...

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The Moonspeaker:
Where Some Ideas Are Stranger Than Others...

Webster's First New intergalactic WICKEDARY of the English Language

Conjured by Mary Daly in cahoots with Jane Caputi

With an Experimental Webbing by Alexiares


An (Un)Canny Realizing Vision of the Archaic Future

Now it is time for the next part of the experimental webbing, in this case gathering together a selection of terms from Mary Daly's post-Wickedary books. Some of these words and references come from sources still all too difficult to access to this day, despite recent digitization projects. At first glance, this (Un)Canny web is not nearly so tidy as its predecessors. It does not attempt to sort out words related to the inhabitants of the Background from those pertaining to the inhabitants of the foreground, nor to parse out the Elemental philosophical words and phrases. What brings these terms together is how they reveal conditions under which the present war on Women and Girls will be brought to an end, the limited duration of the present necrophilic state, and a reiteration of the nature and location of the Boundary only Background dwellers can truly access or cross. It is worth Reading these Words Aloud to fully experience how Daly applied assonance, punning, and shifts in emphasis in a Wildly Creative manner. Daly was too honest and too serious about her Work to shy away from the most difficult and disheartening of material, but she was also determined to evoke Hopping Hope and Laughing Out Loud.


  • Absent Primary Sources n, pl : works and research done by and theory developed by women, shared only with other women; definition by Emily Erwin Culpepper. [CW]
  • academonic adj : Having the quality of invading women's minds and spirits, distracting them from their rich Heritage of thousands of pages of theorizing by their Foresisters to insert pseudofeminism and the ultimate in patriarchal scholarship, postmodernism. [Q]
  • Act : See Originally Sinful Acts (W-W 1).
  • Age of Dismemberment, The : A condition which manifests itself in the multiplication of divisions within and among women; it also involves the breakdown of nature by phallotechnicrats and the splitting of women from nature. This condition is not continuous, but particularly characteristic of the 1990s, when the necrophilic naysayers, claiming to vision "the future," completed their invasion of genomes and minds in preparation for their next move, the invasion of Space. [O, Q]
  • Amazing Light : A healing and glorious Light that reveals the Way Out of mazes. See A-mazing (W-W 1); maze (W-W 3). [W, AG]
  • Amazon Consciousness : Wild Warrior Women's awareness of the unseen fabric of connectedness between themSelves and all life, of not being alone in Seeing, Knowing, Sensing what Is behing the scenes. [AG]
  • Amazon Grace : A moment of Be-ing, an ontological experience in which a woman encounters Background Reality that is everywhere in nature. [AG]
  • analogy of be-ing : The intuitive, shockingly real knowledge stumbled on by patriarchal scholastic philosophers that two or more beings may share a sameness, yet they are also far more different from one another at the same time. [AG]
  • Announce v : To declare beforehand, foretelling triumphs of the Fates, speak oracularly, thereby bestowing ineffable gifts. [W]
  • anti-biotic n ["tending to prevent, inhibit or destroy life Webster's] : Anti-biotic terms and phrases are anti-life, invented and promulgated by the phallotechnological establishment for the purpose of preventing, inhibiting, and destroying lfe. They only rarely have a resemblance to terms and phrases that Name natural realities, while blatantly expressing the necrophilia and cynicism of their fabricators. [W]
  • aphasia n : The patriarchally inflicted inability to Name Background Reality as well as foreground phenomena and to Re-Call differences and connections among these, a basic block to Acts of Be-Speaking. [AG]
  • Archaic Heritage : The Abundance of Amazon Grace bestowed upon Wild Women by the influence of our Forgotten Foresisters. [AG]
  • axes of evil : The techniques applied by the brotherhood of deadly daddydom in pursuit of empire and limitless profit. For example, stationing american troops and bases all over the globe. [AG]
  • Background, Shocking : See Background (W-W 1).
  • Being, Intuition of : An experience that startles a woman into Self-Respect and sense that she is Lucky and honoured to receive such grace. [AG]
  • Be-ing, Powers of : See Powers of Be-ing (W-W 1).
  • Big Laughing : See Be-Laughing (W-W 1).
  • Biggest Lie : The phallocratic/foolocratic message, "patriarchy has always been around," and implicitly "you can never stop it, this is the way things are." [AG]
  • Biophilic Cognitive Majority : The animals and plants of the Earth. [AG]
  • Biophilic Era (B.E.) : Name signifying the end of the necrophilic era, patriarchy, and the return of the Archaic Future, the real future that transcends the stagnation.timelessness of archetypal deadtime. [Q]
  • Bitch n : As originally described by Joreen in the Bitch Manifesto, a woman strong enough to survive even the rigid, punitive socialization of patriarchal society, who refuses in mind and spirit to conform to the idea that there are limits on what she could be and do. In Be-Witching mode, a Bitch communicates magnetic properties to other women, helping continue the process of Metamorphosis. In Bold Bitch mode, Re-calling the fact that We Are Here! expanding our Presence/Here. [W, Q]
  • Bonding : See Biophilic Bonding (W-W 1).
  • Breakthrough n : A woman's process of going her own Direction, overcoming man-made mind-pollutants, and therefore learning to Move in and through the Mist and Re-Calling her Original Knowledge. [Q]
  • brainstorm/heartstorm n : The Flashing sense and experience of transcendental knowledge, Sparking Journeys to the Other side. [W]
  • Call of the Wild : A summons to women to Move beyond this braindead, deadly state into the Fifth Dimension, a State of Natural Grace. [Q]
  • chromotopsia ["a morbid state of vision in which objects appear in abnormal colors" Webster's Complete] : The characteristic quality of vision in the foregrounded/unreal state, encouraged by the pseudo-real imagery and glaring lights of television and shopping malls. [AG]
  • cognitive majority : See biophilic cognitive majority.
  • Cognitive Minority, New : Women driven by Desperation combined with Furious Focus, hurled into the Fourth Spiral Galaxy. Among these Wild Women are Foresisters/cronies from the Past who are Presentiating their Selves Now to those whose Sense of Cosmic Connectedness is awakening. [O]
  • Compass ["(also magnetic compass) an instrument containing a magnetized pointer that shows the direction of magnetic north and bearing from it" O.E.D.] : The Sinful Sense of Direction of Sibyls practising Space-Craft, entering a different context and showing the many Ways of Spinning beyond the foreground compass. Also see Be-Wilder (W-W 1).
  • compass ["the range or scope of something; the enclosing limit of an area" O.E.D.] : The false limits set down by snoolish space controllers to discourage walking/walking the Wrong Way or otherwise Voyaging Out.
  • Concreate v : Women's participation in the work of Nemesis, who is one "face" or aspect of Be-ing, the Verb in which we Live, Love, Create, and Are who we are. We cannot be "equal" to Be-ing. We can only be equal to the work to which we are called. Hence the familiar "co-" is misleading. [Q]
  • Contagious Nemesis : The ironic phenomenon of Radical Feminist energizing by the specious complaints and dishonest attempts by patriarchal deadfellows and their sympathizers to silence them and prevent Radical Feminists from revealing patriarchal wrongdoing. [AG]
  • Context n ["the weaving together of words in a language" Webster's] : interwoven cues and clues of words on the labrynthine path, supporting escape from the compass. [W]
  • contrapuntal ["of or in counterpoint; (of a piece of music) with two or more independent melodies" O.E.D.] : The independent Consciousness and Wisdom of women as they reverse the reversals and end the sadorituals of the patriarchal sadostate.
  • Convergence, Positive : A meeting of biophilic women to fuel and support their Sisters suffering from temporary exhaustion and confusion in the Course of resisting and overcoming the necrophilic state. Compare Contagious Nemesis. [AG]
  • Convergence, Temporal : A remarkable and yet Super-Ordinary intertwining of Past, Present, and Future revealed by matrilineal and sororal lines. [AG]
  • Cosmic Dance of Be-ing : The interactive movements of women participating in Be-ing, acting upon each Other, Gynergizing one another and spurring one another to further Acts such as Seeing, Breaking Out, and Gaining Faith in herSelf. Women's complex participation in the work of Goddess, properly, Goddessing. [AG]
  • Cosmic Concordance : Also called Cosmic Symphony. The Sound of numerous voices making the Music of the Spheres, those voices being manifestations of Goddess, where Goddess is a Metaphor for the constantly unfolding Verb of Verbs– Be-ing. [Q]
  • cosmochromatic : A word Heard by Ann Marie Palmisciano, Naming the cosmic, multidimensional range of reality that can be signified by the name of a specific color. [AG]
  • Courage to Create : The determination to go through and beyond the negation that is patriarchy women need in order to participate in the Attractive Power of the Final Cause. [W, AG]
  • Courage to Name : The inner strength women find to name their real condition under patriarchy as the state of despair, subliminally suggesting the possibility of Hope. [Q]
  • Course v ["to move without obstruction; fr. latin curro 'to run'" O.E.D., Lewis and Short] : To run without patriarchal obstruction. It is telltale that among the "obsolete" ways to refer to women's menstrual cycle is as their "courses." [Q, CW]
  • Course n ["the route or direction followed by a ship, aircraft, road, or river; the way in which something progresses or develops" O.E.D.] : The Wrong Way, a Wicked Direction to Other Dimensions and Other Spatial Perceptions. [W]
  • Craft (1) n : Etymologically related to the verb crave. Taking charge of her Craft is one of the primary, primal tasks in overcoming the "woman as vessel" motif prevailing in Stag-nation. When we direct our own Crafts/Vessels, we become reversers of that deadly reversal, and in the process we become Crafty. [AG]
  • Craft (2) n ["an activity involving skill in making things by hand; skill in carrying out one's work; fr. OE cræft 'strength, skill'; cf. 'skill' the ability to do something well; expertise; a particular ability" O.E.D.] : Women's particular ability to disperse the fog of patriarchal unreality while disbursing what snools deserve as they enact Nemesis. [W, Q]
  • Crafty Searchers : Women who note the ways in which nonfeminist sources offer useful information and critical analyses of the various tentacles of "biotechnology" without Naming the central unifying societal structure generating these necrophilic activities. [Q]
  • create ["fr. latin creare, to bring forth, produce, make" O.E.D., Lewis and Short] : To bring forth Realized forms, be they incarnate, palpable, audible, or Otherwise Sensible. [Q]
  • Creation of the Universe : The ongoing process of the Universe, its being in which women may consciously participate by such Acts as bringing their own works into be-ing. [AG]
  • Creation, Acts of : Women's Acts of Exorcising pseudoreality. [Q]
  • Creative Dis-order : The concreated world. [Q]
  • Creative Courage : A form of Courage that throws us into the throes of Creation, that has dimensions of creativity itself. It pushes us to Touch the as yet unknown which stirs in the Subliminal Realms, to find its forms and Realize those forms as incarnate, palpable, sensible. [Q]
  • Creative Rage : A Passion and Wicked Virtue that transforms, Gynergizes, and Metamorphoses women to refuse the patriarchs' invitations to accept their pseudoreality and overturn their lies. [PL, Q]
  • Creativity, of the Universe : The ongoing process of Be-ing of all beings existing. [Q]
  • Creativity, Realization of : See Final Cause (W-W 1).
  • creature : Facsimiles and twisted forms of life produced using necrotechnologies, typically considered to be under the complete control of the technicians. This sense of the word is early and best exemplified by the distorted psychology of the character Viktor Frankenstein authored by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley in her first novel, Frankenstein Or, the Modern Prometheus. Originally the term simply referred to any living being. [W, CW]
  • critical mass : The least number of people and Acts necessary to change direction to the Wrong Way. Conditions leading to apparently sudden Leaps by Wild Women. [AG]
  • Cumulative Memory : Formative causal influences that are with us Now through morphic resonance, and are always available to us. [AG]
  • Dance n : The Spiralling Movement on the surface of the Subliminal Sea preparatory to crossing the Threshold/Limen. [AG]
  • Daring : The practice and process of facing the challenge and risks of Knowing and Naming the ways in which Radical Feminist vitories may be and all too often are used against women. [AG]
  • Daring, Leaps of : Moving ahead in Radical Feminist Searching that tears away patriarchal mindbindings, fuelled by the positive frustration induced by early exciting, but still partially patriarchally based feminist works. [Q]
  • Deadly Assimilators : Practitioners of assimilation. See deadly sins of the fathers: assimilation (W-W 1). [Q]
  • deadly denial : Refusal to Know and recognize the current Dangers of the Hour and the interconnections and innerconnections among the seemingly disparate phenomena of the early twenty-first century, such as those between ecological crisis, climate change, and the raging war against women. [AG]
  • deadly distraction : The primary obstacle to the attainment of critical mass, consisting of giving attention to the representatives and embodiments of absence of be-ing. [AG]
  • deadzone : The home of the demonic daddies whose great ambition is to usurp life and death, epitomized in the engineering of seeds and plants that cannot self-regenerate or self-propagate, as Recognized and throughly Revealed by Vandana Shiva. [Q]
  • Deep Background : Source of dreams and consciousness of biophilic possibility and futures alongside the recognition of old expressions of hatred of life and existence itself in the form of such "new" practices and concepts as necrotechnology and the so-called "green revolution." [Q]
  • Deep Memories : Also called Memories of the Archaic Past and Deep Archaic Memories. The Knowledge women access through such creations as Feminist books and women's traditions and recognition of the Real Goddesses and women's history hidden in plain Sight in patriarchal sources and structures meant to co-opt and hide them. [Q]
  • demonic dissociation : The pointed disinterest of necrotechnologists in the life-destroying consequences of their work, and the total denial of the suffering they deliberately create. [Q]
  • denial, state of : The condition of frozen passivity characteristic of women Stunned by a sense of betrayal by the patriarchal authorities they had been fooled into unwittingly trusting. [AG]
  • Denial, State of : The environment created by the refusal of the malestream media to focus on or share relevant information on such key issues as voting and choosing how to respond to the environmental crisis. [AG]
  • Denounce v : To declare patriarchal ideologies, institutions, and practices to be blameworthy and evil. [W]
  • Depth Hearing : An experience first described by theologian Nellie Morton, in which one woman listens with her whole body to another woman, thereby evoking the Other woman's Speech. The result is an experience of the gift of an Intuition of Be-ing. [AG] Also see Depth Hearing (W-W 1).
  • Despair ["the complete loss or absence of hope" O.E.D.] : The complete loss or absence of the patriarchal facsimile of Hope, for example the church-instilled hope of a blessed afterlife as consolation for a life of suffering. [Q]
  • Desperation ["a state of despair, typically one that results in rash or extreme behaviour" O.E.D.] : A State of Despair resulting in extreme Acts, catalyzed by Hope. [Q]
  • Desperately Hopeful Knowledge : Actions and knowledge rooted in an understanding of our history and our Past. For example, our Fore-Acting foresisters preserving fragments of Sappho's poems by using the strips of papyrus they were written on to make coffins in Hellenic Egypt. [Q]
  • Desperation, Acts of : Deeds of Extreme Daring triggered by Hope beyond the state of despair, deeds of Thoughtful Focussed Recklessness. [Q]
  • Desperation, New : The pure expression of unbounded Hope, pulled by Real Elemental Hope. [Q]
  • Desperation, Deep : The state of women who have seen further into the abyss of misogynism and nature-hating than previously imaginable, Strangely understanding more fully our potential for Ecstasy. [Q]
  • Desperation, Focussed Acts of : Seeing and Naming the Way Out of the state of despair under patriarchy. [Q]
  • diaspora ["exile, scattering, migration" Webster's] : This definition is a strong candidate for the Webster's Intergalactic Seal of Approval. [Q, AG, CW]
  • Diaspora, Positive : Positive participating in the Expanding Here and developing a keen Sense of Direction by using and passing on a Heritage of migratory skills that transform the deadening/deadending foreground aspects of diaspora into advantages. [Q]
  • Diaspora, Creative Moments of : When Wild Women in Courageous Acts of Focussed Desperation dispel the demons who block the Passages of Our Otherworld Journey. [Q]
  • Dirty Trick n : The patriarchal practice of reversal, in which symbolic/poetic works always put women down, while also relegating women to this type of thinking, often associated with something disparagingly called "women's intuition." [AG]
  • Dis-illusioned : A woman's state after she dispels the falsehoods embedded by the patriarchs, such as those from the strategy of dismemberment of consciousness through enormous and often flagrant lies that make acceptable and even invisible the smaller lies that prevail in patriarchy, deadening deep intuitive powers. [Q]
  • dis-spiriting state : When a woman finds that it seems like no matter which way she turns, she is blocked from attaining what she deserves and the Spring of Be-ing appears to have dried up, which paradoxically can push her beyond despair. [Q]
  • Dissipation : The process by which energy fades away, playing a role in the Creation of New Reality. Part of a process by which a system lets go of its present form in order to re-emerge in some form(s) better suited to the present environment. [AG]
  • Doomsday Wolf : Fenrir, known to Wild Women as the Great She-Wolf they will release/have already released to devour the patriarchal god(s), thereby putting an end to their patriarchal world, jumping off the doomsday clock. [Q]
  • Ecstasy n : See Gyn/Ecology (W-W 1).
  • End, Present by Magnetic Attraction : See Final Cause, which draws us to it by Synchonicities and Things Beginning to Happen. [AG]
  • Exemplar : The Wild Metamystery which is the Fifth Cause, the Wild Card and Clue to the Way Out. The idea/form of our Creative work that exists in our minds as creations, specific albeit inchoate, of that which is being produced in the material world. [Q]
  • Expanding Here : The Fifth Spiral Galaxy, where Wild Women encounter the Fifth Cause, the Fifth Element, the Fifth Direction, and the Fifth Dimension. Furthermore, Here Wild Women Dis-cover Quintessence. [Q]
  • Expanding Here and Now : Also called Here and Now. The specific circumstances in which we find ourSelves, when/where we participate in the interconnectedness of all Biophilic be-ing. [AG]
  • Expanding Now : The Real Present. See Present, Real. [Q]
  • Expanding Presence : See Expanding Here. [Q]
  • Extreme : According to the O.E.D., "reaching a high or the highest degree, very great; advocating severe or drastic measures; far from moderate." This definition is a strong candidate for the Webster's Intergalactic Seal of Approval. [AG, CW]
  • Extreme Leaps : Lusty Leaps. [AG] See Lusty, Lusty Leaper, Lusty Mover (W-W 2).
  • Extreme Times : The turn of the twenty-first century, the epitome of patriarchy, the peak of prickery, beyond and outside of which Lusty Leaping can really happen. [AG]
  • Extra-Ordinary adj : According to Webster's Second New Intergalactic Wickedary of the English Language (A text written in imagination and not yet incarnated in book form) the word Extra-Ordinary means "very ordinary, Super-naturally ordinary, commonplace. Example: Trivia." See Trivia (W-W 2). [AG]
  • Eye : Properly Real Eyes (Denise D. Connors) : The Authentic, Elemental, Wild Capacity to Realize. [W]
  • Feminist Daring : The energy of Wild Women influenced by the morphic resonance set up by the Contagious Courage of their Foresisters. [AG]
  • Fierce Focus : The Purpose of Dragon-Identified Women. [AG] See Dragon, Dragon-identified (W-W 2).
  • Final Causality : A Calling/Beckoning to Wild Women to participate in Be-ing through the creation of works that Beckon other Wild Women to Realize their Selves through their own creativity. [AG]
  • First Spiral Galaxy n : The Galaxy of Righteous Plundering of knowledge stolen from women in order to save it for Future use, but also where/when the Voyager Senses there must be some connections that make Sense of her experiences even as her powers are not yet strong enough to enable her to break through to Seeing and Naming these connections that are knowable only from a Background perspective. [AG]
  • Fixation n : A state snools and other patriarchal agents attempt to enforce in order to prevent change, bind minds, and stop clocks. [W]
  • Focus n ["the centre of interest or activity, the domestic hearth where the fire is kept; the centre of interest or activity" O.E.D.] : The centre of interest and activity, source of Fierce Feminist Daring; the hearth/heart of a Wild Woman, the central and innermost part of her Feminist Fire. [CW]
  • Fore-Journeyers : Wild Women who in the time of diaspora developed and passed on their keen Sense of Direction to their Future Foresisters. [Q]
  • Fourth Dimension n : A Biophilic Dimension that is about Movement and Depth, signifying what is hidden as well as what is manifest, Change and Life. [AG]
  • Fourth Spiral Galaxy n : The Galaxy of Time Traveling, Megagalaxy/Metagalaxy made up of Momentous Re-membering. [AG]
  • Friend n [fr. IE root prai- "to love," OE freo "free," friond, freond. J. Pokorny] : A Wild Woman with whom one freely shares Gynaffection, thereby experiencing Gynergy.
  • Galvanizing Intergalactic Gallops adj : A quality of Memories that recharge a Craft. [AG]
  • Genius, Female Creative : Also called Elemental Feminist Genius. A spataially and temporally expansive capacity of Wild Women to speak words and carry out deeds presaging and enacting great transformations and creations. [Q]
  • Good v : A Verb which inspires us to Realize Be-Witching Powers, becoming ever more Wicked, free from the rules of sadosnools, Dis-closing Original Integrity. [W]
  • Hearing and Naming, Deep : Communal exercise of the Courage to Hear through the deafening droning of the deadheads who are the dictators of dickocracy, through all the twisted mazes of hot air to exercise the Truly Transformative Powers of Naming Background Reality. [AG]
  • hedge schools n, pl : Outdoor schools which were secret and hidden because education was forbidden to Catholics in Ireland by the British during the time of the "Penal Laws." The Penal Laws, dating from 1695 and not repealed in their entirety until catholic emancipation in 1829, were a series of ferocious enactments by the British, designed to reduce the catholic Irish to helpless impotence. See Cecil Woodham-Smith, The Great Hunger (London: Hamish Hamilton Ltd., 1962), pp. 26-28. [O]
  • Hidden Cause : Goddess the Verb as Final Cause. See Final Cause (W-W 1).
  • History [Fr. Gk. ἱστορία, referring to an inquiry, a seeking after knowledge, derived from the same IE root meaning "to see" as that in the now little-used english noun wit "a natural aptitude for using words and ideas in a quick and inventive way to create humour." O.E.D., Liddell-Scott] : The creations of Dis-illusioned Wild Women in the Course of their Deep Inquiries through the foreground into the Background.
  • Hope of Contagion n : The power of Hope rooted in the fact that shocks can be communicated shockingly, "shaking up" other women, awakening their potential to Move toward the Threshold/Limen of Background Knowledge. [AG]
  • Horse Sense ["plain shrewd unsophisticated horse sense" Webster's] : A Canny capacity to See, Hear, Touch, Taste, and Sniff out the Angelic/Elemental messages coming from all directions of Nags/Hags; a Primal Navigational Aid.
  • inclusive transcendence : Moments of Biophilic Be-ing beyond the doomsday clock, experienced with all Other be-ings beyond the Compass. [AG]
  • Inner Ear : The organ of Depth Hearing, which does not depend upon ordinary physical hearing for its effectiveness. [Q]
  • Integrity : A state Wild Women straining to live on the boundary maintain, affirming and Living our multidimensionality, Spiralling into the Fifth Dimension and fighting for Biophilic Integrity in the foreground. [Q]
  • Integrity, Biophilic : The energy of well-being and thriving characteristic of the healthy web of connections between all Biophilic be-ings in Places and Spaces unaffected by necrotechnologists. [Q]
  • Integrity, Elemental : The cohesive be-ing of Elemental Spirits in simple connection, allowing the free manifestation of vigour, force, Intelligence, and Life. [Q, W]
  • Integrity, Female Elemental : Wild Women's natural state of be-ing, characterized by such Acts as Naming agents, dispelling jargon, and blocking any and all access and attempts by cockocracy to castrate Feminist Genius. [Q]
  • Integrity, Leaps of : Great Changes undertaken to produce a state of Dis-Illusionment. [Q]
  • Integrity, Original : The first state of women before the impact of any deadly distractions.&nnsp;[Q]
  • Intellectual Life: The combination of rich imagery and rigorous reason accompanying one another in the fullness of Intellectual/E-motional/Spiritual Integrity. [Q]
  • Intuition of Be-ing : See Be-ing, Intuition of.
  • Laughter, Background : The Elemental Laughing of Wild Women, a declaration of independence from the prevailing foreground mentality, completely Other from foreground laughter, the false, canned sound signifying submission.  [AG]
  • Laughter, Elemental : An expression of Deep Knowing, a cognitive triumph over the prevailing paralysis of the higher faculties, extremely important as a signal of bonding and compatibility that generates that very bonding and compatibility. [AG]
  • Leap v : To make a sudden jump beyond the patriarchal system. [AG]
  • Leap to the Core of Radical Elemental Feminism : The Leap identified as absolutely necessary for women's freedom by Susan B. Anthony, a Leap spurred by the Terrific Shock that gives women faith in themselves and drives them to make the taboo-breaking proclamation of allegiance to women first. [AG]
  • Leap, Right to : The Birthright of all Life-Loving Lusty women, animals, winds, waters, stars, plants to full participation in creation. [AG]
  • Lost and Found Experiences : Wicked Women's heightened experiences of both losses and finding, re-finding hidden treasures; Moments of Contact with the Archaic Past and the Archaic Future. [AG]
  • love n : A Positive Passion, in which a woman freely experiences an ongoing sense of connection to another being. [PL,W]
  • Love v : A deeper form of Be-Friending, such that the women sharing it experience be-ing together.  [PL,W]
  • Lust, Elemental : The intense and unstoppable yearning for connectedness with other women and participation in the Flow of Tidal Time. [Q]
  • Magnetic Magic : The energy drawing Dis-illusioned Women together across spatial and temporal divides, which they radiate. A contagious Elemental attraction which is reciprocal and energizing. [Q]
  • Magnetism, Elemental : The radiating, contagious attraction of and between Elementals, including animal magnetism, a Spiritlike force residing within and emanating from animals. [Q]
  • mediator n : A typically mysterical man or other patriarchal agent who seeks to stop the flow of communication by means of elementary magic or trickery. See phalloglamour. [W]
  • Megagalaxy/Metagalaxy n : Where a personal/political/historical/Elemental context in which the earlier Moments can be Seen, which contains previously subliminal Background knowledge which has to some extent become explicitly Realized over Time. [AG]
  • Memories of the Future : Actions that affect/effect our Future, including works such as books, articles, quilts, women's centres, courses, and artworks. [Q]
  • Meta-dissolution and Meta-subversion : Of the dead and deadly sadosociety, putting that "order" into the past, getting behind it into the Background, changing and transforming everything... getting beyond the vile fatherland, transcending it. [Q]
  • meta-etymologies n : Webster-revealed etymologies that transcend the usual patriarchal etymologies by transforming their meanings and revealing the New/Archaic meanings once situated in the Background into visible, audible meanings in the New/Archaic context. [W, Q]
  • Metapatriarchal adj : In a slightly altered sense from the original Wickedary definition. Here it means "beyond patriarchy, transformative of and transcending the obsolete static state." [Q]
  • Metapatriarchal Metamorphosis : A transformation and transcendence of the obsolete static state of patriarchy, a change of form into a completely different, Biophilic nature by natural or Super Natural means. [Q]
  • Metaphoric adj : Actions and events that carry women beyond the imprisoning cells of patriarchy. [AG]
  • Mist n : The droplets of vital subliminal information encountered while sailing the surface of the Subliminal Sea. [AG]
  • Moving Out : Leaping off the boundaries of pseudo-secure pseudo-reality, hurling ourSelves into touch with the Universe in a deeper way, reaching an existential understanding of the unseen connectedness that makes possible quantum leaps. [AG]
  • mummy n : An archetypal elementary term intended to erase all genuine thought processes while creating, enforcing, and preserving dead bodies of knowledge. [W]
  • mysterical adj : Referring to the common psychology of males in a patriarchal state, characterized by a profound absence of presence. [W]
  • Naming Background Reality : An experience of Truly Transformative Naming Power after completing the process of Hearing all the way through the twisted mazes of hot air of the dictators of dickocracy. [AG]
  • necrofuture : A time in which Boundary-violators pursue their plans to violate all life to achieve their brave new world of total control such that life cannot go on without their direct intervention. This time is now. [Q]
  • necrophilic era : The time over which patriarchy and love of death were the ruling orders of human society on Earth. Compare Biophilic Era. [Q]
  • necrotechnology n : True name of "biotechnology." [AG]
  • nectech future : A time projected by the leaders of the sadostate in which nectechnologists transgress biological boundaries and dismember living beings in an attempt to replace the natural world, going on to find "a different mechanism of sex determination" to seize control of biological evolution in humans and overcome the unstable and deficient Y-chromosome. [Q]
  • Nemesis, Contagious : The inadvertent publicizing and spreading of Radical Feminist Knowledge and Work by the false and mysterical accusations of dull deadfellows. [AG]
  • Nemesis, Concreation of : See concreate.
  • Original Acts, Actions : Participation in Be-ing. [Q] See Courage to Sin, Originally Sinful Acts (W-W 1).
  • Original Promise n : Women's potential to be Prophetic, typically broken in patriarchy. Therefore this broken Original Promise must be broken to become Prophetic. [AG]
  • Other Side : See Background (W-W 1). [AG]
  • patriarchetype n : Word invented by Kelly Ali Greer. For example, the "feminine" archetypal goddess images people in various versions of New Age "women's spiritiality" sometimes manifest this stultifying timelessness that freezes women into the roles of archetypal deadtime. [Q]
  • phallotechnocracy : The present sadosociety, which uses necrotechnology to drive all life into an unnaturally disconnected state. [Q]
  • Phases n [O.E.D.] n : A period of development, in planets and satellites of the Solar System, how their illumination changes with time and position as they rotate around the Sun and one another. This definition is a strong candidate for the Webster's Intergalactic Seal of Approval. [CW]
  • Pirate, Radical Feminist : Wild Woman who righteously rips off knowledge that has been stolen from women. [AG]
  • Pirate Craft v : To Righteously Plunder treasures of knowledge that have been stolen and hidden from women and Smuggle them back in such a way that they can be seen as distinct from the mindbinding trappings in which they have been hidden and distorted by patriarchal thieves. [AG]
  • Positively Scattered State : A chosen dispersal over vast geographic areas to cooperate with Earth's changes; characteristic of the Biophilic Era. [Q]
  • Power n : in general, the abilities to act and reason in the world with the world and other beings; among of the most important of these are the Powers of Be-ing, which are the abilities to act with courage and hope to Self Name and Affirm while turning away from know-nothingness. [BG, PL]
  • Presence : Short for Presence of Presence (W-W 1).
  • Presence, Expanding Magnetic : The Gynergy of Time-Traveling Cronies participating in the dynamic drawing powers of the Final Cause, helping overcome the state of diaspora among women. [Q, AG]
  • Presence, Realizing Real : The Gynergy and be-ing of Hopeful Wild Women, our Presence to Our Selves and to each Other, Weaving and Re-Weaving the fabric of unseen connectedness. [AG]
  • Present, Real : Our True Past and Future, which we can re-connect to via Original Creative Acts, thereby participating in Background Time, which is Original/Archaic Time. [Q]
  • Present Primary Sources n, pl : Sources exhibiting Feminist creativity in symbolizing, theorizing, art, science, and so on. Defined by Emily Erwin Culpepper. [CW]
  • Primal Memory : Memory, that is mental awareness of connection with the Wild. [AG]
  • Pronounce v : Elemental Sounding of the spoken letters of the alphabet, as these combine to form the Primal Race of Words [W]
  • pronunciation n : the action of Denouncing, Pronouncing, or Announcing authentically, or Naming. Its three modes are Announcing, Denouncing, and Pronouncing. [W]
  • Prophetic : Capable of Be-Speaking. [W]
  • Qualitative Leaping : See Quantum Leaping; Hopping Hope (W-W 1).
  • Quantum Leaping : The exceptional act of an exceptional being giving rise to critical mass, inclusive of the slower, apparently more methodical moves of Others that both precede and follow it. [Q]
  • Quest v : Spiralling with our Craft in order to continue expanding and communicating our be-ing. [AG]
  • Quintessence : In ancient greek philosophy, described as celestial clarity from heaven, as the fiery upper atmosphere of the sun and stars, and as scarcely material in form. [Q]
  • Quintessence, as Verb : A way of Naming Be-ing the Verb, with specific emphasis on its manifestations as source of integrity, harmony, and luminous splendor of form. [Q]
  • race v ["move or progress swiftly or at full speed O.E.D.] : To Move swiftly and at full speed to the Archaic Future, participating in Background Time. [W, Q, AG]
  • Radiant Words, Race of : Word that Call from the Background, flowing back and revealing foreground sounds for what they are. [AG]
  • Radical : According to the O.E.D. "relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far reaching and thorough." This definition is a strong candidate for the Webster's Intergalactic Seal of Approval.
  • Radical Elemental Consciousness : The awareness of women who Realize our own Genius and consciousness and Connection with the Wild. [Q]
  • Rage, Creative : Transformative focusing force directed specifically to bringing forth Realized forms. [Q]
  • Rage, Female Elemental Righteous : The unstoppable Power of Dis-illusioned Wild Women as they tear away the mindbindings of phallocratic/foolocratic pseudoreality. [Q]
  • Rage, Righteous : Rage founded on profound Grief, expressed as Action with Fierce Focus. [Q, AG]
  • Rage, Woman-Identified : Positively Revolting Passion and feeling propelling women to go Wild, and already Wild Women to Quantum Leaps. [AG]
  • Re-Calling the Archaic Past : The Act of making connections across Time and Space to Archaic and Future Foresisters, restoring Awareness of a shared Heritage of Survival and Strength. [Q]
  • Real Future : The ongoing process and Living of the connected Universe, characterized by evolution and Change. [AG]
  • Reality, Ultimate/Intimate : Be-ing the Verb in which we (all creatures) participate by be-ing ourSelves. See Be-ing, be-ing (W-W 1). [AG]
  • Revolting : Refusal to obey or conform with sadorituals and deadly boredom, reaction to stirrings of the Virtue of Disgust (W-W 2). [CW]
  • Rootedness : The shared nature of women with trees, in that they communicate through underground networks, root to root (or route to route), overcoming obstacles placed in their way by patriarchs through lateral branches and roots apparently Hidden from sight. Examples of women's acts and works, even if separated and forced to travel apart from the Network, are able to take root elseWhere and grow new connections, stretching out to rejoin older and deeper webs. [Q]
  • Rootedness, Intuition of : Wild Women's understanding of the possibility of setting down Roots, both wholly New and joining up with pre-existing webs and networks. [Q]
  • Searing Truth : What Seers on fire with Rage See through the network of lies making up the stale males' pretense. [Q]
  • Sea of Subliminal Background knowledge n : Critical Background knowledge shared by women below the level of consciousness under patriarchy. [AG]
  • Searchers, Weird : Those who, having learned to Sense the presence of morphogenetic fields, map the terrain of the Earthy, Metamysterious, and Uncanny in order to seek Knowledge and re-link the network of women's Archaic Heritage. [AG]
  • Second Spiral Galaxy : The Galaxy of Acts of Exorcism and Unforgetting, Seeing through the foreground past into the Background Past, opening the possibility for Radical Naming and Re-Calling the Prepatriarchal Pagan Past. [O]
  • Seeing and Breaking Out of Bondage, Acts of : How women behave on achieving Self-respect and experiencing an Intuition of Be-ing, gaining faith in herself and continuing a Spiralling process of dynamic Change. [AG]
  • Self-censor v : The practice of a woman under patriarchy, such that she denies her possession of Deep Knowledge, hiding it herself from herSelf. [AG]
  • Sense of Aloneness n : The feeling of cognitive singularity that occurs when a woman's subliminal Background knowledge begins to break into conscious/explicit knowledge. [AG]
  • Sense of Direction : The Sense of Crones who apply their Labyrinthine Sense. A skill in walking/talking the Wrong Way, moving in Wicked directions, opening doors to other dimensions, Other Spatial perceptions See Final Cause, Wicked (W-W 1); Widdershins, Wild-Goose Chase, Witch Way, Every. [W]
  • Sense of Wonder : Not to be confused with the dummy term sensawunda associated with mid-twentieth century pulp science fiction novels featuring updated patriarchal imagery and glorification of axes of evil and necrotechnology. See Be-ing, Intuition of (W-W 4). [AG]
  • Shock v : Slow and cumulative or seemingly sudden eruptions of Background awareness. [AG]
  • Sin Big : Acting with ontological courage, Courage to See, Know, Hear, and Sense what Is behind the scenes in an eruption of the Other Side in Amazon consciousness. [AG]
  • Sinspiring/Firing : Having a quality and energy that spurs Originally Sinful Acts (W-W 1). [Q]
  • Sisters/Resisters : Wild Women who receive Our true Archaic Heritage, becoming transmitters as well as creators, participating in Foresisterhood, passing on the torches of our own tradition, emanating Occult Power, influencing one another, inspiring Fantastic Daring and increasing Self-confidence. [AG]
  • Sisterhood : The Biophilic bonding among Silly Women focusing on our Final Cause and increasingly Realizing our connectedness to Be-ing, Sensing the benevolent Presences nearby. Participation in a web of relationship within a unified whole supporting Confident Leaps. [AG]
  • Smuggle v : Re-claiming treasures by Naming them in New Ways or rendering their hidden liberating potential accessible to women. [AG]
  • Sounding of Sirens : The sympathetic vibration created by Wild Women Namin the basic/base deadly sin of the lords of the sadostate. See deadly sins of the fathers (W-W 1). [Q]
  • Sounding, Elemental : Sounds rooted in Earth and Water, such as Thunder, and the deepest roots of words in Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. [Q]
  • space-rape [fr. Latin rapere 'seize'; late ME "originally denoting violent seizure of property, later carrying off a woman by force; the stalks and skins of grapes left after winemaking." O.E.D.] : Boundary-violating projects intended to get under the "skins" of planets, by such practices as harpooning and boring into comets and meteors; stripmining nearby planets, especially the Moon; and in the most extreme male visions, "terraforming" of other planets to make them more Earthlike, providing ersatz Earths in place of the Real planet. [Q]
  • Space/Spaces, Wild Women's : The places/times required for Cosmic Conversations, such as women's jobs, classrooms, bookstores, and books. [AG]
  • Spelling : Speaking, singing, or writing words that open gateways, summon spirits, brew brainstorms, and Be-Speak Other worlds. [W]
  • Spiraling, Outercoursing : The act of moving Out on Intergalactic Voyages to accurately ascertain our Cosmic Context and chart the way for Others. Here "the way" refers not to a single path, which is impossible, but to the method, Spiraling (W-W 2). [AG]
  • spiritshed : The loss of time and spiritual energy in the course of participating in malestream forms of competition and struggle, where every challenge is framed as a battle, foreseen and described by Virginia Woolf in her Canny Radical Feminist work Three Guineas. There she states, "...but you will agree that a battle that wastes time is as deadly as a battle that wastes blood. You will agree that a battle forces youth to spend its strength haggling in committee rooms, soliciting favours, assuming a mask of reverence to cloak its ridicule, inflicts wounds upon the human spirit which no surgery can heal. Even the battle of equal pay for equal work is not without its timeshed, its spiritshed, as you yourself, were you not unaccountably reticent on certain matters, might agree."
  • State of Shock : Realm of awareness of having been Way Out, engaging with the Background; the nexus between foreground existence and entry to the Background, which is both (Un)Canny and New and Re-Membered. [AG]
  • State of Natural Grace : An Eye-opening accompanying acknowledgement that patriarchal monoculture makers have rendered Inhabitants of the Wilderness and Wild Women into endangered species. Wild Women reach this State by following the Call of the Wild. [Q]
  • Subliminal Sea n : A vast Realm of mindspace/minedspace that contains deep Background knowledge, together with countless contaminants, man-made subliminal and overt messages disseminated through the media and other channels for the purpose of mind manipulation. [AG]
  • Surprise, Element of : Aspect and root of our participation in Goddess's Creation, Knowing and UnKnowing what we do. The Goddess is hidden, this being the inherent nature of the Final Cause, Who is, but is not yet – Who is always unfolding. [AG]
  • technodocs : The medical men staffing so-called infertility clinics for women, where they serve as Male Mothers who use powerful drugs to induce multiple births after "selectively reducing" "excess" fetuses. [Q]
  • technofathers/technodaddies : Narcisstic men who play out fantasies of godhood, indifferent to any consequences of their actions. Their preferred necrotechnologies are weapons building, especially of atomic and hydrogen bombs, genetic engineering of animals and huanms, and drug and tool manipulated "fertility." [Q]
  • technofools : People, predominantly but alas not only men, devoid of respect for the integrity of any and every Natural Being. [Q]
  • Terrific Shock : The event prayed for by Susan B. Anthony that would startle women into self-respect and proclaiming their allegiance to women first. Also see Leap to the Core of Radical Feminism. [AG]
  • thealogy : Word coined by Emily Erwin Culpepper and several Other creative women theorists including Naomi Goldenberg. It uses the ancient greek word for Goddess, "thea," to create a word to refer to recovery and study of Goddesses, their associated symbols, mythologies, and rituals. Culpepper defines it in her dissertation as referring "to that aspect of Goddess interest which focuses on 'The Goddess,' understood as external Divine Being as well as internal reality." [AG, CW]
  • Third Spiral Galaxy n : Moments hurling deeper into the Background Present, resistance to demonic forces of fragmentation. [AG]
  • Time, Background : Original/Archaic Time beyond the stagnation/timelessness of patriarchetypes. [Q]
  • timeshed : See spiritshed.
  • Transcendent Third Option : The product of Leaping toward finding/creating an escape from deadly dilemmas posed by doomdom via Metapatterning to Dis-cover Metapatriarchal Metaphor. [O]
  • Transtemporal/Trans-spatial Consciousness : See Be-Thinking and Be-Speaking (W-W 1). [AG]
  • True Course : Our Metaphoric Course, found as we become ever more conscious participants in our own Magnetic Field of Force. Outercourse, moving beyond the imprisoning mental, physical, emotional, spatial walls of patriarchy and the State of Possession. [O, Q]
  • Undersea Volcanoes n, pl : All women under patriarchy whose E-motions and psychic sensations smoulder in the Subliminal Sea. [AG]
  • Unfix 🌚 v : exorcism of plastic parasites and deadening droning to restore life, drive out double crossers and reopen the possibilities of Hopping Hope and for the Archaic Future. [W]
  • Unforgetting : Relocating our Deep Past, Re-membering the Realized minds and actions of our Future Foresisters. [Q]
  • Untamed Truth Sayers : Wild Women who have torn off the mindbindings that prevented them from seeing the horror of patriarchal atrocities against women and nature. [Q]
  • Verb n : A word that describes an action, a happening, a be-ing. The etymological origin of the word is latin, where "verb" means simply "word" and the english "word" is from the same stem as "verb." Indo-european languages, which include english and latin among many others, are comparatively unusual in their massive favouring of nouns over verbs. Others are more balanced, and there are significant families of languages referred to as agglutinating or polysynthetic which favour the verb above all else, creating entire sentences by adding morphemes to a verb stem. [CW]
  • vapor state : The manmade ghostly state consisting of phantoms, delusions, specters intended to terrorize Wild Witchy Women. [Q]
  • Verb of Verbs : Be-ing, of which Goddess is a metaphor, the ultimate Final Cause, She Who Attracts, Ultimate/Intimate Reality, constantly Unfolding and intransitive, who has no object that limits Her dynamism. [Q, AG]
  • Web n ["a piece of woven fabric; a network of fine threads constructed by a spider (O.E.D.)] : the many intersecting clues found and Traced by Websters to restore the Background and create New Words. [W]
  • Wicked Words : Newly awakened, no longer merely ordinary words that attract other words, and these attracted words have an Urge/Itch to dredge Out their associates from the depths of the Subliminal Sea – the Realm of unconscious Memories, where women's buried treasures lie hidden. [Q]
  • Witches' Hammer n : The Labrys/double ax which is our Grammar, to Destroy the illusions (phalloglamour) propagated by patriarchs to destroy women. See Grammar. [W]
  • Woman-Identified : When a woman has gone Wild by making the taboo-breaking decision to make her allegiance to Women First. [AG]
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Last Modified: Sunday, January 19, 2025 02:30:00