The Moonspeaker:
Where Some Ideas Are Stranger Than Others...
Webster's First New intergalactic WICKEDARY of the English Language
Conjured by Mary Daly in cahoots with Jane Caputi
With an Experimental Webbing by Alexiares
Elemental Philosophical Words
and Phrases and Other Key Words
The Word-Web consists of Elemental philosophical words and phrases and some Other key words. These are Original words Naming the Background and the foreground from the perspective of the Background. That is, they Name Wild Reality and its patriarchal counterfeits from the perspective of those who choose the Background as our Homeland, electing to be members of the Outsiders' Society, and Living on the Boundary between the worlds.
System of Symbols (🌑, 🌒, 🌗, 🌕)
The following symbols signify the works by Mary Daly in which *Wickedary* words first appeared:
🌑 The Church and the Second Sex. The most recent edition (Boston: Beacon Press, 1985) contains the original text (New York: Harper and Row, 1968) and the "Autobiographical Preface" and "Feminist Postchristian Introduction by the Author" from the 1975 Harper Colophon edition, as well as the 1985 "New Archaic Afterwords." The edition in which the word first appears is indicated in the entry.
🌒 Beyond God the Father: Toward a Philosophy of Women's Liberation. The most recent edition (Boston: Beacon Press, 1985) contains the original text (Boston: Beacon Press, 1973) and an "Original Reintroduction by the Author." All references are to the original edition unless otherwise indicated in the entry.
🌗 Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism (Boston: Beacon Press, 1978).
🌕 Pure Lust: Elemental Feminist Philosophy (Boston: Beacon Press, 1984).
The absence of any symbol signifies that the word first appears in the Wickedary. Words invented by other women are indicated by the women's names at the entries.
Cross-referenced words, which appear at the end of some definitions, are grouped according to their respective Word-Webs. In cross-referencing, the indicators W-W 1, W-W 2, and W-W 3 refer to Word-Web One, Word-Web Two, and Word-Web Three. Cross-referenced words from the same Word-Web are always listed first.
A Reading Note (by Alexiares)
Daly and Caputi's Spellings are frequently unorthodox, enforcing very careful copy-editing. There are a number of words in the definitions below that do not reappear in any Word-Web. They are sign-points suggesting more food for thought.
- Absence of absence 🌕 : ecstatic condition of Wild Women; state achieved by Crones who have succeeded in exorcising phallic pseudopresence, i.e., ontological absence. Compare absence of Presence; presence of absence.
- absence of Presence 🌕 : lack of content and purpose; the normal nothingness of bore-ocracy; the routinized rule in snooldom; absence of soul. Examples: negation of meaning in a conversation; lack of affection or of intelligence in a face; nonresponse to a question or to an act of love.
- Allocentric Perception 🌕
- Anamnesia 🌕
- Angel 🌕 n [derived fr. Gk angelos messenger – Webster's] : an Elemental Spirit of the universe whose duration and movement are outside the limitations of tidy time and whose principal activities are knowing and willing; bearer of Archaic knowledge and wisdom.
- Animals n [derived fr. L. anima soul – Webster's] : Elementally ensouled beings characterized by rich Diversity; instructors in the arts of Spinning, healing, communication, navigation; Helpers/Guides on the Journey beyond the State of Extinction into the Realms of Elementary Reality.
- Anno Feminarum 🌑 See Archaic Future (A.F.). Compare archetypal deadtime (a.d.).
- Antichurch, Sisterhood as 🌒
- Archaic 🌕 adj : occurring in Tidal Time; Original, Primal, Primordial.
- Archaic Future 🌑 Compare archetypal deadtime (a.d.).
- Archaic Time 🌑 See Tidal Time
- Arche pl Archai 🌕
- Archeology 🌕
- archetypal deadtime 🌑 See tidy time.
- archetype 🌕 n [derived fr. Gk arche- original + typein to strike, beat; akin to L stuprum defilement, dishonor, SKt tupati, tumpati he hurts – Webster's] : model/pattern designed to beat, defile, dishonor, and hurt Original Female Elemental Powers. Examples: the Great Whore of Babylon, the Eternal Feminine, the vagina dentata.
- Archespheres 🌕
- Archimage 🌕
- Arch-Image 🌕
- Archimagical 🌕
- Background 🌗 (Denise D. Connors) n : the Realm of Wild Reality; the Homeland of women's Selves and of all other Others; the Time/Space where auras of plants, planets, stars, animals and all Other animate beings connect. Compare foreground.
- Be- 🌕 See Ontology, Elemental.
- Be-Dazzling [dazzle "archaic: eclipse with greater brilliance: OUTSHINE" – Webster's] : eclipsing the foreground/elementary world by the brilliance of be-ing.
- Be-Falling See Sin, Fates (W-W 2).
- Be-Friending 🌕
- Be-ing 🌒
- be-ing 🌒
- Be-Laughing : expression of Elemental humor, carrying Lusty Laughers into the Background: ontological Laughing; be-ing Silly together; Laughing that cracks man-made pseudo-reality; Laughing that breaks the Terrible Taboo, Touching the spirits of women, enlivening auras, awakening Hope. See Metafooling; Terrible Taboo; Laughing Out Loud, Virtue of; Silly (W-W 2).
- Be-Longing 🌕
- Be-Monstering
- Be-Musing See Muse (W-W 2). Compare a-Musing (W-W 3).
- Be-Shrewing See Shrew; Shrewish Shrewdness (W-W 2).
- Be-Speaking
- Be-Spelling [bespell "to cast a spell on: ENCHANT" – Webster's] : Discovering and releasing Archimagical powers of words; ontological Shape-Shifting of words which awakens latent powers of be-ing in the Spell-speaker, in the hearer, and in the words themselves.
- Be-Thinking
- Be-Tiding
- Be-Tidings
- Be-Wilder
- Be-Wishing [wish "to influence in a magical or occult way by wishing; to bewitch by a desire or imprecation. dial. – O.E.D.] : to influence in a Magical way by ontological Wishing; to Be-Witch by a desire or inspiration.
- Be-Witching 🌕 [bewitch "to attract to such a degree as to take away all power of resistance or considered reservation: ENCHANT, CHARM, FASCINATE (she bewitched King James no less than her first lover – N.Y. Times) (that time-honored privilege of saying foolish things in the grand manner which seems to have bewitched our gallant forefathers – Norman Douglas)" Webster's] 1: breaking the rules/roles of boring bewitchingness; ontological Witching. 2: leaping/hopping/flying inspired by Lust for Metamorphosis; Macromutational moments/movements of be-ing; Shape-shifting. 3: the exercise of Labrys-like powers that ward of attacks and attract Elemental forces.
- Biggest Lies, use of 🌕
- biocide 🌕
- Biophilia 🌗 n : the Original Lust for Life that is at the core of all Elemental E-motion; Pure Lust, which is the Nemesis of patriarchy, the Necrophilic State. See Pure Lust; Nemesis. Compare necrophilia. N.B.: Biophilia is not in ordinary dictionaries, although the word necrophilia is. Several years after the publication of Gyn/Ecology, Biophilia was used as an elementary book title by Edward O. Wilson to promote his views on the new/old field of sociobiology.
- Biophilic Bonding 🌕
- Biophilic Communication 🌕
- Boundary, the 🌒 See Surviving; Spinning.
- Boundary Living 🌒
- Burning Times, The 🌗
- castration, female 🌗 See penis envy.
- Cause of causes 🌒 See Final Cause; Feminism, Radical.
- Code, Elemental 🌕
- courage, Ontological 🌕
- Courage, Outrageous 🌕
- Courage to Leave 🌑
- Courage to Live 🌑
- Courage to See 🌒
- Courage to Sin 🌕 See Originally Sinful Acts.
- Daughter 🌗
- Daughter-Right 🌗 See Nemesis. Compare daughter-blight (W-W 3).
- deadly sins of the fathers 🌗 : the primary manifestations of patriarchal evil, incarnated in phallo-institutions and in those who invent, control, and legitimate these institutions; biocidal blockages/obstructions to Wild Women's Otherworld Journeying. These are:
• processions: the basic sin of phallocracy: deception; the production of distorted mirror images of Spinning Process which corral/track Movement/Creativity into endless dead and deadening circles. Example: the ritual embedding of patriarchal fairy tales into the minds of little girls.
• professions: the ultimate manifestation of empty male "pride" (vanity); assumption by males of self-legitimating control in every cultural activity deemed prestigious by themselves; the consequent condensation of the proces of know-ing into inert and mystifying "bodies of knowledge." Example male assumption of control over the sphere of healing, reducing this to the "field of medicine" – a reversal and caricature of genuine healing.
• possession: androcratic avarice; demonic seizure and domination of Elemental energy sources accomplished through political, economic, and technological means and, most profoundly, through the manufacture and proliferation of male myth. Example: the "divine commands" in Genesis: "God blessed them, saying to them 'Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and conquer it. Be masters of the fish of the sea, the birds of heaven and all living animals on the earth." – Gen. I: 28 [J.B.]. Also: "To the woman he [god] said: 'I will multiply your pains in childbearing, you shall give birth to your children in pain. Your yearning shall be for your husband, yet he will lord it over you.'" – Gen. 3:16 [J.B.]
• aggression: malevolent male violence, misnamed anger; the raping, killing, and leveling of all forms of life. Examples a: the nuclear arms race relentlessly marching to its ill-logical conclusion – nuclear holocaust. b: the European witchcraze. c: the holocaust of the Jews under the nazis.
• obsession: phallic lust; the deadly dis-passion that prevails in patriarchy; the life-hating lechery that seeks to penetrate, violate, and spoil all Elemental Integrity. Examples a: the incessant despoliation of women's bodies by the eight-billion-dollar pornography industry. b: the colonization and conquest of America – the "Virgin Land" – its native inhabitants and its wilderness. c: incestuous abuse of girls.
• assimilation: gynocidal/biocidal gluttony which expresses itself in vampirism/cannibalism, feeding upon the living flesh, blood, spirit of women and Others while tokenism disguises the devastation of the victims. Examples a: patriarchal marriages. b: slavery. c: zoos and circuses.
• elimination: necrophilic envy of Biophilic powers, which demands the eradication of ensouled matter and the fabrication of replacements, imitations, simulations of Life. Example the invention of technological miracles such as television, urbanization, and Disneyland – "The Happiest Place on Earth."
• fragmentation: patriarchally enforced sloth which enslaves women and other living creatures, severing them from their Original Capacities to Act, to Realize their potential to glimpse their Final Cause; the stunting and confining of Elemental growth, movement, and creativity by mandatory subservience assuming the forms of enforced passivity and/or ceaseless busyness. Examples a: S. Weir Mitchell's rest cure for women. b: the busy housewife syndrome. c: the professional "rat race" and structural unemployment. d: the usage of animals as "biomachines" in agribusiness. e: forest management by the lumber industry.
- demon-wardens 🌗 See Naming; Otherworld Journey.
- Demons, Tidal 🌕 See Tidal Time .
- demons, tidy 🌕
- Depth Hearing 🌗
- Earthquake Phenomenon 🌗
- Elemental 🌕 adj ["characterized by stark simplicity, naturalness, or unrestrained or undisciplined vigor or force... CRUDE, PRIMITIVE, FUNDAMENTAL, BASIC, EARTHY" – Webster's] : This definition has been awarded Websters' Intergalactic Seal of Approval.
- Elemental Feminist Philosophy 🌕 See Philosophia.
- Elemental Memory 🌕 See Memory, Elemental.
- Elementals 🌕
- Elemental Sounding 🌑 1 : the Speaking of Elemental creatures in the chorus of be-ing. 2 : Weird activity of Searchers who seek to fathom the depths of Elemental Memories and experiences.
- Elemental Spirits 🌕
- elementaries 🌕 n : simulations of and planned replacements for the Elemental, the Wild; fabrications which distort experience of the Elements and which are largely invisible by reason of being all-pervasive; incarnations of phallic myth that constitute the foreground; man-made phenomena lacking depth, radiance, resonance, harmonious interconnectedness with living be-ing. Examples a: the poisonous fumes and radioactive emissions of phallotechnology. b: the transmissions of popular media and the erudition of specialized fields. c: traditional assumptions, spoken and unspoken. d: shopping malls. e: plastics.
- elementary 🌕 : characterized by artificiality, lack of depth, aura, and interconnectedness with living be-ing; marked by a derivative and parasitic relation to Elemental reality.
- Elements 🌕 See Elemental Spirits.
- Elixir of Words 🌕
- E-motion 🌕 Compare pseudopassions (W-W 3).
- endless
- endlessness See phallic infinity (W-W 3).
- erasure 🌗
- Exorcism 🌑 See Naming.
- Fall 🌒 See Original Sin of Women; Prance of Life.
- fall, the 🌒
- Feminism, Radical 🌒
- Fey Faith 🌕 Compare "Faith of Our Fathers" (W-W 3).
- Final Cause 🌒 See Feminism, Radical.
- First Philosophy 🌕
- First Questions 🌕
- foreground adj 🌗 elementary, plastic, contrived, possessed. See elementary.
- foreground n 🌗 See elementaries; fix (W-W 3). Compare Background.
- Fury 🌗 See Rage; Furies (W-W 2)
- Goddess
- Goddess the Verb 🌕 See Be-ing; Metaphors, Metapatriarchal.
- Grammar n 1 : harmonious interplay among the primal sounds of words; concordances of words Sounding and Resounding together in complex compositions, as they communicate manifold meanings; the agreeable agreement of words as spoken/written/sung by Metapatterning Muses. 2 : Original order in the rhythms of all Elemental be-ing; natural affinity among all living beings which makes possible communication, relationship, and concordance.
- Gyn/affection 🌕
- Gyn/Ecology 🌗 See Metaethics.
- Gynergy 🌒
- gynocide 🌒
- Gynophilia See Biophilia; Biophilic Bonding.
- Happiness 🌕
- hetero-relations 🌕
- Hopping Hope 🌕 [hope derived fr. OE hopian; akin to... MHG hoffen to hope, and perh. to OE hoppian to hop – Webster's] : Hope that hops, leaps, jumps intuitively in harmony with the rhythms of the Elemental World.
- Incarnation, The 🌕 See Sadospiritual Syndrome.
- Journey 🌗 See Otherworld Journey.
- Lesbian 🌗 See Terrible Taboo; Amazon; Spinster; Woman-Touching woman (W-W 2).
- lust, phallic See pure lust.
- Lust, Pure See Pure Lust.
- Macroevolution 🌕
- memories, elementary
- Memory 🌕
- Memory, Elemental 🌕 See Tidal Memory.
- Memory, E-motional 🌕
- Memory of the Future 🌕 See Tidal Time; Fateful Foremaking (W-W 2)
- Meta-
- Metabeing 🌕
- Metadictionary See Wicked.
- Metaethics 🌗
- Metafooling See Be-Laughing; fool (W-W 3).
- Metamemory 🌕 n : Deep, Ecstatic Memory of participation in Be-ing that eludes the categories and grids of patriachal consciousness, Spiraling into the Past, carrying Vision forward; Memory that recalls Archaic Time, Re-calling it into our be-ing; Memory beyond civilization.
- Metamorphic Movement 🌕
- Metamorphosis 🌕
- Metamorphospheres 🌕
- Metamystery n : depths/surfaces that are hidden by man's mysteries/misteries; Wonders of Wild Reality that are behind/beyond the fathers' façades; ever Unfolding reality glimpsed by Seers and announced by Be-Speakers: the Radiant Integrity of Be-ing. Compare Mystery of Man, the
- Metapatriarchal 🌗
- Metapatterning 🌕 See Erraticism, Feminist (W-W 2).
- Metaphors, Metapatriarchal 🌕
- Methodicide 🌒 See Nondata; Nonquestions; Studied Unlearning (W-W 2).
- methodolatry 🌒
- mysteries/misteries, man's See Mystery of Man, the.
- Mystery of Man, the [mystery derived fr. Gk myein to close (used of the eyes and lips), close the eyes – Webster's] : 1: irrationality of the patriarchal male, projected onto women and nature, whom he archetypically brands as "mysterious"; the non-sense and purposelessness of the phallic male, which is hidden from women by means of the twofold injunction against Seeing and Naming Female Elemental Powers. 2: the ontological lack which is the raison d'être of all patriarchal religions and institutions. 3: the male veil of pomp and circumstance designed to conceal snoolish ineptness, vacuousness, inanity, and malignancy. Compare Metamystery.
- Nag-Gnosticism 🌕 See Nag (W-W 2).
- Naming 🌒
- necrophilia 🌗
- Nemesis 🌕 n [derived fr. L Nemesis, goddess of divine retribution – Webster's] : 1: Virtue beyond justice, acquired by Inspired Acts of Righteous Fury; Virtue enabling Seers to unblindfold captive Justice. 2: participation in the powers of the Goddess Nemesis; Elemental disruption of the patriarchal balance of terror; Passionate Spinning/Spiraling of Archaic threads of Gynergy.
- New
- New Space 🌒 See Boundary, the; Fairy Space (W-W 2).
- New Time 🌒 See Fairy Time (W-W 2).
- New Words 🌒
- Nondata 🌒
- Nonquestions 🌒 See elementary school (W-W 3).
- noun-goddess 🌒 Verb-Goddess
- O-logy 🌗 Compare -ologies (W-W 3).
- Ontology, Elemental 🌕
- Ontophany, Creative Political 🌒 See Be-ing; Final Cause; Feminism, Radical.
- Originally Sinful Acts 🌕 : Natural Acts proceeding from a Prude's Self-centring Lust; Acts of questioning and challenging the old saws/laws of the Lecherous State. Example Rosa Parks' defiance of Southern segregation laws, Montgomery, Alabama, 1955.
- Original Sin of Women 🌕
- original sin of women 🌒
- Other adj 🌕 : outside the parameters of patriarchal predictability; Wicked, Wild Strange.
- Other n 🌕
- Otherness 🌕
- Otherworld 🌗
- Otherworld Journey 🌗
- otherworld, patriarchal
- particularization 🌒
- Past, New Presence of the
- patriarchy 🌒
- Physical Ultimacy 🌕
- Postchristian 🌑
- Power of Absence 🌒 See Power of Presence.
- Power of Presence 🌒
- Powers of Be-ing 🌕
- Prance of Life 🌕 See Race of Elemental be-ing.
- presence of absence 🌕 : meaninglessness of male-centered myths and ideologies, experienced as mental/spiritual bloat; expansion of emptiness that fills the mind and makes the victim absent to her Self – the glut of non-sense experienced watching television, reading newspapers, or attending an ordinary university. See absence of Presence. Compare Absence of absence.
- Presence of Presence 🌕
- presentiate 🌕
- Primordial
- Principalities and Powers 🌕
- Prudish Prudence 🌕 See Prude (W-W 2).
- Pure Lust 🌕
- pure lust 🌕
- Pyrosophical Temperance 🌕 See Tempering; Distemper; Distemperance (W-W 2).
- Pyrospheres 🌕
- Race of Elemental be-ing 🌕
- Race of Radiant Words 🌕 See Exaltation (W-W 2).
- Race of Women 🌕
- Rage 🌕
- rapism 🌒
- Real Eyes 🌕 Real Eyes (Denise D. Connors) : the Authentic, Elemental, Wild Capacity to Realize.
- Realize 🌕
- Real Presence 🌕
- real presence
- Re-calling 🌗 See Breakthrough (W W-4).
- Re-considering 🌗 See Prehistory (W-W 2).
- Re-fusing 🌗
- Re-membering 🌗 1 : Re-calling the Original intuition of integrity; healing the dismembered Self – the Goddess within women; Re-calling the Primordial connections/conversations among women, animals, and Other Elemental beings. 2 : Realizing the power to See and to Spell out connections among apparently disparate phenomena: Spinning, Creating.
- reversal 🌒 n : fundamental mechanism employed in the world-construction and world-maintenance of patriarchy; basic method employed in the making of patriarchal myths, ideologies, institutions, policies, and strategies; mad, master-minded maneuver characteristic of mirrordom: INVERSION – turning everything inside out and upside down. Examples a: the absurd story of Eve's birth from Adam. b: the belief that man is superior to animals. c: the worship of male divinity. d: the belief that the Radical Feminist world view is "narrow" and/or "dated."
- Rhythms, Elemental
- sado-asceticism 🌕
- sado-rituals 🌗 See biocide; gynocide.
- Sado-Ritual Syndrome 🌗 : a set of interconnected components of sado-rituals which, when Dis-covered, can be seen by Searchers as links among seemingly unrelated atrocities, such as witchburnings, gynecological practices, lynchings, pogroms, nuclear arms buildup, the exploitation and torture of animals. See sado-rituals. N.B.: The essential components of the Sado-Ritual Syndrome are (1) obsession with purity; (2) total erasure of male responsibility; (3) inherent tendency to "catch on" and spread; (4) use of women as scapegoats and token torturers; (5) compulsive orderliness, obsessive repetitiveness, and fixation upon minute details, which divert attention from the horror; (6) readjustment of consciousness, so that previously unacceptable behavior becomes accepted, acceptable, and even normative; (7) legitimation of the ritual by the rituals of patriarchal scholarship.
- sadosociety 🌕
- sadospirituality 🌕 See sadoasceticism.
- Sadospiritual Syndrome 🌕 : sick/sickening syndrome assuming two aspects: a: phallic flight from lust into phallic asceticism. b: phallic flight from lust into refined lechery manifesting itself in three interconnected ways:
• the sado-sublime [sublime "to cause to pass from the solid to the vapor state by the action of heat and again condense to solid form (many chemicals... are sublimed to rid them of impurities)" – Webster's] : warped ideas/images which are products of the patiarchs' attempts to rid themselves of consciousness of their impurities by subliming themselves into "God" and his supporting cast of symbolic characters; a system of symbols which allows believers to indulge self-righteously in refined, perfected, heightened lechery. Examples the christian symbol of the crucifix; the fundamentalist symbol of "the Rapture."
• sado-sublimation [sublimate "to direct the energy of (an impulse) from a primitive aim to one that is higher in the cultural scale..."; also sublimation "discharge of instinctual energy... through socially approved activities" – Webster's] : discharge of phallic lust through rapist activities, resulting in the production of a culture of warped ideas/images/words made "flesh"; manufacture of an increasingly artificial environment which blocks Elemental/Wild sensing, knowing, and creation; the incarnation of phallic lust (legitimated by the christian dogma of "The Incarnation"), taking such forms as nuclearism, chemical contamination, racial oppression, obscene medical experimentation, and endless manufacture of gross consumer products. See restorationist syndrome (W-W 3).
• sado-sublimination [subliminal "existing or functioning outside the area of conscious awareness: influencing thought, feeling, or behavior in a manner unperceived by personal or subjective consciousness" – Webster's] : mental manipulation characteristic of the sado-sublimated society, involving deliberate perversion of the natural phenomenon of subliminal perception so that it becomes a tool of the sadostate; the embedding of phallocentric messages into every product of the patriarchal state: the warped "flesh" of the sado-sublimated society refined/re-sublimed into an endless proliferation of warped "words," e.g., the messages in advertising, films, liberal and secular theologies, and all the other -ologies.
- sadostate 🌕 See sadosociety.
- Second Coming of Women 🌒
- Self 🌗
- self 🌗
- Separatism, Radical Feminist 🌕 Compare Dissociated State; separatism, phallic (W-W 3).
- Shape-shifting 🌕
- Sin : See Originally Sinful Acts; Original Sin of Women.
- Sisterhood 🌒 Compare brotherhood (W-W 3).
- Spinning 🌗 1 : Gyn/Ecological creation; Dis-covering the lost thread of connectedness within the cosmos and repairing this thread in the process; whirling and twirling the threads of Life on the axis of Spinsters' own be-ing. 2 : turning quickly on one's heel; moving Counterclockwise; whirling away in all directions from the death march of patriarchy.
- spiritualization 🌒 See otherworld, patriarchal; full-fillment (W-W 3).
- States of Grace 🌕
- Super Natural 🌕
- Surviving 🌗
- Telic Focusing Principle 🌕
- Terrible Taboo 🌕 See Total Taboo. Compare Physical Ultimacy.
- Tidal 🌕
- Tidal Memory 🌕
- Tidal Time 🌕 See Demons, Tidal. Compare tidy time.
- tidy 🌕 adj
- tidy 🌕 v
- tidy time 🌕 See archetypal deadtime; demons, tidy. Compare Tidal Time.
- Torture Cross Syndrome 🌗 See Sado-Ritual Syndrome.
- Total Taboo 🌕 See Terrible Taboo.
- touchable caste 🌕
- Touching Powers 🌕
- Trinity, Most Unholy 🌒 See Sadospiritual Syndrome; sado-sublimation.
- Unfolding 🌒
- universalization 🌒
- verbicide 🌕
- Verb, Intransitive 🌒
- Vice 🌕
- Virtues/Vices, Volcanic 🌕 See Biophilic Bonding; Courage, Ontological; Fey Faith; Hopping Hope; Nemesis; Prudish Prudence; Pure Lust; Pyrosophical Temperance; Creative Caution; Disgust, Virtue of; Laughing Out Loud, Virtue of; Shrewish Shrewdness (W-W 2).
- Virtues, Virgin 🌕
- virtues, virile 🌕
- Wanderlust 🌕 See Wonderlust.
- Weaving 🌗 See Spinning; Unweaving; Webster (W-W 2).
- Wicked 🌕 adj [akin to OE wicce witch – American Heritage, Appendix on Indo-European roots] : beyond patriarchal "good" and "evil"; characterized by Original Integrity; Originally Sinful; actively participating in the Unfolding of Be-ing as Good.
- Wickedary 🌕 n : Archaic: Wicked/Wiccen dictionary; dictionary for Wicked/Wiccen Women; Metamysterious Web-Work Spun by Websters; Guidebook for the Intergalactic Galloping of Nag-Gnostic Voyagers; Book of Guide Words for Wayward, Weirdward Wanderers. See Metadictionary.
- Wild 🌗 adj
- Wild 🌗 n : the vast Realm of Reality outside of the pinoramic world view constructed by the bores and necrophiliacs of patriarchy; true Homeland of all Elemental be-ing, characterized by diversity, wonder, joy, beauty, Metamorphic Movement and Spirit.
- Wild, Call of the 🌗
- Women's Space 🌒 See New Space.
- Wonderlust 🌕 See Metamystery; Wanderlust.