The Moonspeaker:
Where Some Ideas Are Stranger Than Others...
Webster's First New intergalactic WICKEDARY of the English Language
Conjured by Mary Daly in cahoots with Jane Caputi
With an Experimental Webbing by Alexiares
The Inhabitants of the Background,
Their Activities and Characteristics
In this Word Web, Journeyers Dis-cover the inhabitants of the Background, observing and participating in their activities and characteristics. The words and phrases of this Web Name the Wild Reality of Hags and Nags, Gorgons and Grimalkins, together with Other Friends and Familiars. This Web can be read as a Guidebook for travelers into the Background. It introduces the reader to the Natives, their world view and customs, describes places of interest, and provides words and phrases necessary for communication in the Country of the Strange.
- Abecedarian
- Abecedarium See Wickedary (W-W 1).
- Active Eyes
- Activize
- Aeroglyphic 🌕
- Aeromancy 🌕 n ["divination from the state of the air or from atmospheric substances" – Webster's] : This definition has been awarded Websters' Intergalactic Seal of Approval.
- After-Death of Daddydom 🌕
- A-mazing 🌗 See maze (W-W 3).
- A-mazing Female Mind 🌗
- Amazon 🌗
- Amazon, A-mazing 🌗
- Amazon Argosy 🌗
- Archaic Smile See snool (W-W 3).
- Archelogian 🌕 See Archeology (W-W 1).
- Argonaut 🌗
- Augur 🌕 n ["a soothsayer; said to mean a diviner by the flight and cries of birds" – Skeat's] : Soothsayer, a Diviner by the flight and cries of birds/words.
- Banshe
- Battle-ax
- Batty
- Bearish
- Bee-Spelling
- Beldam, -dame
- Bevy
- Bio-logical 🌕
- Biomancy
- Bitchy
- Boon Companion See Chum; Crony.
- Brewster 🌕 n [brew "to bring about (something troublesome or woeful) as if by brewing magical potions or spells (brewing mischief)" Webster's] {"brew" a drink prepared by boiling or boiling and fermentation} : a Witch who Brews Archimagical potions and Spells, stirring up trouble for the trickers and torturers of women; a Wise Woman who stirs female Passions and Imagination, conjuring Metamorphic Dreams and Visions.
- Broom 🌕
- Canny Moment 🌕
- Canny/Uncanny 🌕
- Canny Wives/Weirds 🌕 See Parthenogenetic Creation.
- Cat/alyst 🌕 See Shape-shifting (W-W 1).
- Cat/astrophe 🌕
- Cat/atonic 🌕
- Cat/egorical Imperative 🌕
- Cat/egory 🌕
- Catty
- Chaircrone 🌗
- Charmer
- Chum Boon Companion; Crony.
- Clue (Clew)
- Con-Questing 🌗
- Con-Questioning 🌗
- Consent 🌕
- Contrariwise
- Contrary Whys
- Contrary-Wise
- Cosmic Concento 🌕
- Cosmic Coven 🌒
- Cosmic Covenant 🌒
- Cosmosis 🌒
- Counterclock Whys 🌒 See Tidal Time (W-W 1)
- Counterclockwise 🌒 See Widdershins.
- Counterclock-Wise 🌒
- Crabby
- Crackpot Crone 🌑 See plastic passion; potted passion (W-W 3)
- Creative Caution 🌕 See Prudish Prudence (W-W 1).
- Crone 🌗 n : Great Hag of History, long-lasting one; Survivor of the perpetual witchcraze of patriarchy, whose status is determined not merely by chronological age, but by Crone-logical considerations; one who has Survived early stages of the Otherworld Journey and who therefore has Dis-covered depths of Courage, Strength, and Wisdom in her Self. Examples a: Harriet Tubman, rescuer of slaves, psychically/physically fearless Foresister. b: Ding Ling, twentieth-century feminist activist and author, Survivor of multiple political purges, one of China's best-known and most prolific female writers.
- Crone-logical 🌗
- Crone-ography 🌗
- Crone-ology 🌗
- Crone-Power 🌗
- Crone-Time 🌗 See Fairy Time; New Time (W-W 1)
- Crony
- Cunning adj
- Cunning n
- Deliberate Delerium 🌕 See Studied Unlearning.
- Denouncing
- De-terming See elementaries (W-W 1); dummy (W-W 3).
- Deviant Docility 🌕 See Prudish Prudence (W-W 1).
- Dike (Dyke) 🌕
- Dis-closing 🌗
- Dis-covering 🌗
- Disgust, Virtue of 🌑
- Dis-ordering 🌗 See Tidal; tidy (W-W 1).
- Dis-possession 🌗 See priest (W-W 3).
- Dissembly 🌗
- Dis-Spelling 🌗 See Be-Spelling (W-W 1).
- Distemper 🌕 See Pyrosophical Temperance (W-W 1).
- Distemperance 🌕
- Distemperate 🌕
- Diversity, Feminist 🌕
- Dragon 🌕 n [(derived fr. Gk drakōn, serpent, dragon "monster with the evil eye," fr. Indo-European root derk- to see): "A fabulous monster.... A fiercely vigilant or intractable woman..." – American Heritage] : 1: Primordial Female Foe of patriarchy whom the gods, heroes, and saints of snooldom attempt to slay over and over again; Metamysterious Monster, Original Knower and Guardian of the Powers of Life. 2: a woman who participates in the Powers of the Dragon, who sees through the mysteries of man and breathes forth Words of Fire.
- Dragon Eyes
- Dragon-identified 🌕
- Dragonize
- Dreadful/Dreadless Woman 🌗
- Dryad 🌕 n : Spirit ensouling a tree, who communicates with those who participate in Biophilic Being; Tree Spirit who listens, teaches, inspires, encourages.
- Ducky
- Dyke See Dike.
- Errata 🌕
- Erraticism, Feminist 🌕
- Ethnic Heathen; Her-etical
- Ethnic Background Compare "Faith of Our Fathers" (W-W 3).
- Exaltation
- Eye-Beam/I-Beam 🌕
- Eyebite/I-Bite 🌕
- Fairy See Fates; Heathen.
- Fairy Goddess-mother
- Fairy Space 🌕 See New Space; Women's Space (W-W 1).
- Fairy Tale
- Fairy Time 🌕
- Familiar 🌕 n ["a supernatural spirit often embodied in an animal and at the service of a person (the loathsome toad, the witches' familiar – Harvey Graham)" – Webster's] : a Super Natural Spirited Background Animal, the Graceful Friend of a Witch. See Toad.
- Familiar Eyes
- Familiarize
- Familiar Spirit
- Fanatic See Lunatic Fringe.
- Fascinate See Gorgonize. Compare fix (W-W 3).
- Fateful Fore-making 🌕
- Fates 🌕
- Fey Woman 🌕
- Fireground 🌕
- Fire-Works
- Flight of Ideas
- Fore-Bear
- Fore-Crone 🌗
- Fore-Familiar
- Fore-Gnome 🌕
- Foresight 🌕
- Foresister 🌗
- Foxy
- Fumerist
- Furies 🌗
- Furry
- Fury 🌗
- Gabble
- Gabblespheres Compare babblespheres (W-W 3).
- Gaggle See Skein.
- Gale
- Gammer See Gossip.
- Genius 🌕 n ["an attendant spirit of a person or place: tutelary deity.... a nature spirit or an elemental spirit: GENIE, DEMON.... extraordinary native intellectual power esp. as manifested in unusual capacity for creative activity of any kind" – Webster's] : 1: an attendant Spirit of a Musing woman. 2: a woman in Touch with Tutelary Deities, Elemental Spirits, Demons; a woman of extraordinary native intellectual power and capacity for creative activity; a Dangerous Woman, whom the patriarchs attempt to stifle, thwart, destroy, erase.
- Geoglyphic 🌕
- Geomancy 🌕 n ["the art of divination by means of signs derived from the Earth" – O.E.D.] : This definition has been awarded Websters' Intergalactic Seal of Approval. See Gnomic Writing.
- Giving Heart 🌕 See Taking Heart; Courage, Outrageous (W-W 1).
- Glamour 🌗 n ["a magic spell: BEWITCHMENT" – Webster's] 1 : an Archimagical Spell by which Nixing Nags dispel phallic pseudopresence/absence. 2 : the Attracting/Magnetizing Powers of Hags. 3 : Word Magic: the Grammer of Wicked Websters. N.B.: According to Walter W. Skeat: "The word glamour is a mere corruption of grammarye or grammar, meaning (1) grammar, (2) magic."
- Glamour Eyes
- Glamourize
- Glamour Puss
- Gnome (1) 🌕 n 1: one of the four Elementals: Earth Spirit who lives in the Earth and guards precious ore and treasure. 2. a Gyn/Ecological woman: one who understands, respects, and bonds with the Earth as her Sister.
- Gnome (2) 🌕
- Gnomic 🌕
- Gnomic plug 🌕 See Volcanoes, Women as.
- Gnomic Present 🌕
- Gnomic Writing 🌕 See Geomancy.
- Gnomology 🌕
- Gooney n 1: an albatross: much maligned Weird bird who possesses an impeccable sense of humor and direction and who habitually wanders on long, tireless flights. 2: a woman who participates in the qualities of a Gooney.
- Gorgon 🌕 See doomsday clock (W-W 3).
- Gorgon Eyes
- Gorgonize
- Gorilla/Girlilla
- Gossip n
- Gossip v
- Gossipdom
- Gossiphood
- Gossipship
- Grace 🌕
- Graceful/graceless 🌕 See junkocracy (W-W 3).
- Graceful State 🌕
- Grammarye See Biomancy.
- Grammarian See Happy Medium (W-W 2); Grammar (W-W 1).
- Grimalkin n ["A name given to a cat; hence, a cat, esp. an old she-cat; contemptuously applied to a jealous or imperious old woman" – O.E.D.] : Name given to a cat, especially a Wise Old She-Cat, honorifically applied to a generous and powerful Old Woman.
- Grimalkined
- Guide n ["one who leads or shows the way, esp. to a traveller in a strange country" O.E.D.] : an Otherworldly Helper who shows a Traveler the way into the Country of the Strange, her Homeland.
- Guide Word
- Gynaesthesia 🌗
- Gynaesthetic (1) 🌕
- Gynaesthetic (2)
- Gyn/Ecologist 🌗 See Gyn/Ecology (W-W 1).
- Gynergenesis See Gynergy (W-W 1).
- Gynocentric Memory 🌕
- Gynocentric Method 🌗 See Ludic Cerebration; Methodocide (W-W 1). Compare Methodolatry (W-W 1).
- Gynography 🌗
- Gynomorphic Resonance
- Gyromancy
- Hag 🌗
- Haggard 🌗 adj ["obs: INTRACTABLE, WILLFUL, WANTON.... wild in appearance: as a of the eyes: wild and staring b of a person: WILD-EYED" – Webster's] : These definitions have been awarded Websters' Intergalactic Seal of Approval.
- Haggard n 🌗See Old Maid; Spinster.
- Haggard Woman 🌗
- Hagged
- Hag-ocracy 🌗
- Hag-ographer 🌗
- Hag-ography 🌗
- Hag-ology 🌗
- Hagstone
- Happy Medium
- Harridan
- Harpy 🌗
- Heathen See Pagan.
- Her-Ethical 🌕
- Her-etical 🌕
- Hex For the etymology of Hex, see Hag.
- Hexing [hex "to practice witchcraft upon: put a hex on" – Webster's] : Spell-casting by Hags/Hexes who practice Witch-Craft on the Boundaries of patriarchy, the State of Atrocity; Positively Revolting Willing by Hags. See Be-Wishing (W-W 1).
- Horsey See Nag.
- Hydroglyphic 🌕
- Hydromancy 🌕 n ["divination by means of signs derived from water, its tides and ebbs, or the... appearance of sprites therein" – O.E.D.] : This definition has been awarded Websters' Intergalactic Seal of Approval.
- Incommunication 🌒
- Influence 🌕
- Journeyer 🌗 See Otherworld Journey (W-W 1).
- Knotting 🌗
- Labrys 🌗 See Background (W-W 1).
- Labyrinth 🌗
- Labyrinthine Journey 🌗 See Otherworld Journey (W-W 1).
- Labyrinthine Sense 🌗 See Labyrinth; Third Ear.
- Laughing Out Loud, Virtue of 🌑 (1985 ed.) : Lusty habit of boisterous Be-Laughing women: habit of cracking the hypocritical hierarchs' houses of mirrors, defusing their power of deluding Others; cackling that cracks the man-made universe, creating a crack through which Cacklers can slip into the Realms of the Wild; Virtue of Crackpot Crones whose peals of laughter peel away the plastic passions and unpot the potted ones.
- Lesbian See Lesbian (W-W 1).
- Life-Time 🌒
- Ludic Cerebration 🌑
- Lunatic See Crackpot Crone; Maenad; Weird.
- Lunatic Fringe
- Luster (1) 🌕 See Pure Lust (W-W 1).
- Luster (2) 🌕
- Lusty 🌕
- Lusty Leaper 🌕
- Lusty Mover 🌕
- M.A.D. 🌕 Compare m.a.d. (W-W 3).
- Maenad 🌕
- Magnet Eyes
- Magnetism, Animal
- Magnetism, Elemental
- Magnetize
- Magnifi-Cat
- Magpiety See sir-reverence (W-W 3).
- Mediumship 🌕 n 1 : the creative activity of Happy Mediums. 2 : the vessel/vehicle chosen by Happy Mediums for our Otherworld Journey. See Happy Medium.
- Mermaid 🌕
- Mister-ectomy 🌗
- Moments/Movements of be-ing 🌕
- Moon-Wise
- Multibious be-ing 🌗
- Muse 🌕 n [derived fr. L Musa, Gk Mousa, prob. akin to Gk mnasthai to remember – Webster's] : the guiding Genius/Demon of a Musing woman; a woman in Touch with her Creative Spirit, her Self; one who Re-members/releases harmonious waves of meanings, so that New Archaic Words can be heard, spoken, and sung. See Genius; Demon (W-W 1).
- Music of the Spheres 🌕
- Musing 🌕
- Nag 🌕 n See Horsey (W-W 2).
- Nag 🌕 v
- Nagging, Virtue of
- Nag-Gnostic 🌕 See Nag-Gnosticism (W-W 1).
- Nag-Nation 🌕
- Nag-noted 🌕
- Nag-noteworthy 🌕
- Nagster 🌕
- Naiad 🌕
- Network, The 🌗 See Earthquake Phenomenon; New Space (W-W 1).
- Nightmare 🌗
- Nix 🌕 n
- Nix adv
- Nixing [nix "slang: VETO, FORBID, PROHIBIT, BAN, REJECT, CANCEL" – Webster's] : Spell-casting by Nixes: Denouncing the drooling of fools, the droning of clones, the mindless devastations wrought by Stag-nations; the Nilling by Nixes of Nothing-lovers. See Nothing-lovers (W-W 3).
- Nixnames
- Norn 🌕 n ["Norse mythology. One of the Fates, Skuld (the Future), Verdaude (the present), and Urd (the Past)." – America Heritage] : This definition has been awarded Websters' Intergalactic Seal of Approval. See Fates. N.B.: Websters note with interest that the Norns have been called "Die Schreiberinnen" (women who write).
- Novice Nag 🌕
- Nymph 🌕
- Oceanid 🌕 n : salt awater nymph who inhabits oceans and seas. See Mermaid; Siren; Undine.
- Ogre 🌕
- Old Maid
- Old Maid of Honor
- Oneiromancy
- Oread 🌕
- Original Movement 🌗
- Original Race 🌕 See Archaic Time; Race of Elemental be-ing (W-W 1).
- Original Woman
- Other Whys 🌒
- Otherwise
- Other-Wise 🌒
- Overlook See Eyebite/I-Bite.
- O-Zone 🌗
- Pagan
- Paradise 🌗 Compare paradise, patriarchal (W-W 3).
- Parthenogenesis 🌕 See Virgin.
- Parthenogenetic Creation 🌕
- Passion, Pyrogenetic 🌕 [passion "a movement of the sensitive appetite" – Thomas Aquinas, Summa theologiae I-II, q. 22, a. 3] : Fierce, Contagious Passion; Movement of the Sensitive Appetite of any Lusty being: Elemental E-motion. See Sensitive Appetite; E-motion (W-W 1). Compare pseudopassion (W-W 3).
- Philosophia See Parthenogenetic Creation.
- Phoenix 🌕
- Pigheaded
- Pixie (Pixy) 🌕 See Heathen.
- Pixillated 🌕
- Pixy-led 🌕
- Pixy-path 🌕 See Third Hemisphere.
- Positive Paranoia 🌗
- Positively Revolting Hag 🌗
- Prehistory 🌗 n 1: account of Pre-patriarchal Time. 2: account that Names Metapatriarchal events and dimensions of women's lives; Crone-logical account. See Crone-ography; Crone-ology.
- priest-Ridder Compare priest-ridden (W-W 3).
- Pride, Virtue of 🌕
- Prime Matter 🌕
- Privacy
- Pro-Life 🌒 See Biophilia; reversal (W-W 1).
- Pro-Lifer 🌒 see necro-apocalyptic (W-W 3).
- Pronunciation
- Prude 🌕 n [derived fr. F prudefemme wise or good woman, fr. OF prode good, capable, brave + femme woman – Webster's] : Good, capable, brave woman endowed with Practical/Passionate Wisdom; one who has acquired the E-motional habit of Wild Wisdom, enabling her to perform Acts which, by the standards of phallicism, are Extreme; Lusty Woman who insists upon the Integrity, Self-esteem, and Pride of her sex; Shrewd woman who sees through the patriarchal norms of "good" and "evil," constantly Re-membering the Good. See Prudish Prudence (W-W 1).
- Pyrogenesis 🌕
- Pyroglyphic 🌕
- Pyrognomic 🌕
- Pyrognostic 🌕
- Pyrography 🌕
- Pyrologian 🌕
- Pyromachy 🌕
- Pyromagentism 🌕
- Pyromancy 🌕
- Pyroromantic/Pyrometric Prudence 🌕 See Prudish Prudence (W-W 1).
- Pyromantic Virtues 🌕 See Virtues/Vices, Volcanic (W-W 1).
- Pyrometry 🌕 See Pyrospheres (W-W 1).
- Pyro-ontology 🌕
- Pyrophile 🌕
- Pyrosophy 🌕
- Pyrotechnics 🌗 See Fire-works.
- Pyrotic 🌕
- Quack
- Quack-pot Crone
- Robbin Hagges' Merrie Band
- Roboticide 🌗
- Salamander 🌕 n 1: one of the four Elementals: Fire Spirit having the power to endure Fire without harm. 2: a Pyrosophical, Dragon-identified woman. See Pyrosophy.
- Salamandrous 🌕
- Scold 🌕
- Searcher 🌗 See re-cover; re-search (W-W 3).
- Seer 🌕
- Self-Centering 🌗
- Self-Lust 🌕
- Self-Realizing 🌕
- Sensitive Appetite
- Shrew 🌕
- Shrewd 🌕
- Shrewish Shrewdness 🌕
- Shrewdom
- Sibyl 🌕
- Silly
- Sin-articulate
- Sin-cantation
- Sin-capacitate
- Sin-conceivable
- Sin-direction
- Sinister
- Sin-Tactics
- Sin-thesis
- Siren 🌕
- Sisterhood of Man 🌒
- Skein n ["A loosely coiled length of yarn or thread.... something suggesting the twistings and contortions of a skein.... a flock of wild fowl (as geese or ducks) in flight" – Webster's] : the organic purposeful design of any Spinning/Spiraling creation; the Metapatterning/Soaring which is characteristic of the Race of Wild Women and the Race of Wild Words/Birds in flight.
- Sloth Compare deadly sins of the fathers: fragmentation (W-W 1).
- Snakey (Snaky)
- Snap-Dragon
- Soothsayer 🌕 n [derived fr. ME soth, sooth truth + seyer, sayer sayer – Webster's] : a woman who Dares to counter the patriarchal deadly sin of deception: Courageous Truth-sayer. Example Rachel Carson, especially in her Bio-logical book of Augury, Silent Spring (1962).
- Space-Craft
- Spanning (1) 🌗
- Spanning (2) 🌗
- Sparking 🌗 : speaking with tongues of Fire; igniting the divine Spark in women; lighting the Fires of Female Friendship; encouraging women to become sister Pyrotechnists; building the Fire that is fueled by Fury – the Fire that warms and lights the place where we can Spin and Weave tapestries of Crone-centered creation.
- Spell n 1 : a spoken, sung, or written word or set of words known by Crones to have Be-Speaking power: CHARM, INCANTATION. 2 : any Archimagical thought, glance, or gesture.
- Spell-Brewer See Brewster.
- Spell-Craft See Be-Spelling (W-W 1).
- Spell-Glance
- Spell-Muttering
- Spell-Weaver
- Spinster 🌗 See Spinning (W-W 1).
- Spiraling
- Spiration 🌕
- Spooking 🌗 Compare spooking (W-W 3).
- Spring of be-ing 🌗
- Sprite 🌕 n [derived fr. L spiritus spirit, breath – Webster's] : an Elemental Presence or Spirit: Fairy, Pixie.
- Stamina 🌕 See Straying Power.
- Starchase 🌕
- Star-Lust 🌕
- Strange 🌗
- Straying Power 🌕
- Studied Unlearning 🌕
- Sylph 🌕 n 1: one of the four Elementals: one of a Race of Spirits who inhabit the Air. 2: a Tempestuous, Distempering woman; one who clears the Air of phallic pseudopresence, creating free space.
- Sylph-identified 🌕
- Syn-Crone-icities 🌕
- Tabby
- Taking Heart 🌕
- Tempering 🌕
- Termagant
- Terrible Woman 🌕 See Terrible Taboo (W-W 1).
- Third Ear 🌕 See Labyrinthine Sense.
- Third Eye 🌕
- Third Hemisphere
- Thirteen n : Positively Wicked Number. See Appendicular Web Four.
- Thirteenth Hour, the See clockocracy; doomsday clock (W-W 3).
- Tiger
- Time/Spaceship 🌗
- Toad
- Toadal Time
- Transversing 🌕
- Tree of Life 🌗
- Trivia 🌗
- Un-Convention 🌗
- Un-Creation 🌗 See Unweaving.
- Undine 🌕 See Mermaid; Elemental Sounding; Tidal (W-W 1).
- Unfield 🌗
- Unknotting 🌗 See Knotting; Labyrinth.
- Unpainting 🌗 See Painted Bird (W-W 3).
- Unstabled State 🌕
- Unweaving 🌗
- Vertigo 🌗 See Gyromancy.
- Virago 🌕
- Virgin 🌕 n [virgin adj "never captured: UNSUBDUED" – Webster's] : Wild, Lusty, Never captured, Unsubdued Old Maid; Marriage Resister.
- Vital Eyes Compare deadeye (W-W 3).
- Vitalize
- Vixen 🌕 See Foxy.
- Volcanic Dis-coverings 🌕
- Volcanic Wisdom
- Volcanoes, Women as 🌕
- Voyager 🌗
- Wanton 🌕
- Wanton Virgin 🌕
- Water Witch
- Webster 🌕 n [(derived fr. OE webbestre female weaver – Webster's): "A weaver... as the designation of a woman" – O.E.D.] : a woman whose occupation is to Weave, esp. a Weaver of Words and Word-Webs.... The word Webster was Dis-covered by Judy Grahn... See Unweaving; Weaving (W-W 1).
- Weird 🌕 n
- Weird 🌕 adj
- Weirddom
- Weirdie (Weirdy)
- Weirdly
- Weird Sister
- Weirdward 🌕 See Robbin Hagges' Merrie Band.
- Wicked/Wiccen Woman See Wicked (W-W 1).
- Widdershins (Withershins) adv [(derived fr. MHG widersinnen to go back, go against, fr. wider back, against + sinnen to travel, go... akin to OHG sind journey, road): "in a left-handed or contrary direction: CONTRARILY, COUNTERCLOCKWISE – used esp. of ritual circumambulation" – Webster's; also "in a direction opposite of the usual; wrong way" – O.E.D.] : in a direction that counters the processions of clockocracy/cockocracy; in a manner that grinds the doomsday clocks to a halt, that turns back the clocks of father time: Contrariwise: the Wrong Way. See doomsday clock (W-W 3).
- Wild Cat 🌕
- Wild Eyes 🌗
- Wild-Goose Chase
- Wildize
- Wild Whys
- Wildwise
- Wild-Wise
- Wiles, Female See Glamour.
- Witch 🌕 n [derived fr. A.S. wicce. Allied to M.Du. wicker, 'a soothsayer.' witch perhaps = 'averter.' – Skeat's] : an Elemental Soothsayer; one who is in harmony with the rhythms of the universe: Wise Woman, Healer; one who exercises transformative powers: Shape-shifter; one who wields Labrys-like powers of aversion and attraction – averting disaster, warding off attacks of demon and Magnetizing Elemental Spiritual Forces. See Heathen; Pagan.
- W.I.T.C.H.
- Witch-Crafty See Wiles, Female.
- Witch Way, Every See labyrinth; Pixy-path.
- Wolfish
- Woman-Touching Woman 🌕 See Lesbian; Physical Ultimacy (W-W 1); Terrible Woman.
- Wording 🌕
- Word-Magic See Be-Speaking (W-W 1). Compare logorrhea; verbigeration (W-W 3).
- Word-waves/Wand-waves 🌕
- Word Witch
- X-Factor
- X-ing : the Qualitative Leaping of Contrary-Wise Crones who are experiencing Syn-Crone-icities and Other "inexplicable" phenomena.