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The Moonspeaker:
Where Some Ideas Are Stranger Than Others...

Webster's First New intergalactic WICKEDARY of the English Language

Conjured by Mary Daly in cahoots with Jane Caputi

With an Experimental Webbing by Alexiares


The full title of this work is Webster's First New Intergalactic Wickedary of the English Language. The word webster, according to Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language,[*] is derived from the Old English webbestre, meaning female weaver.[1] The Oxford English Dictionary defines webster as "a weaver, as the designation of a woman." According to the Wickedary, Webster means "a woman whose occupation is to Weave, esp. a Weaver of Words and Word-Webs."

The word Wickedary, according to the Present work, is defined as "Archaic: Wicked/Wiccen dictionary; dictionary for Wicked/wiccen women; Metamysterious Web-Work Spun by Websters." The adjective wicked, according to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, can be traced to the same Indo-European root (weik-) as wicce, the Old English word meaning Witch. According to the Wickedary, Wicked means "beyond patriarchal 'good' and 'evil'; characterized by Original Integrity; Originally Sinful; actively participating in the Unfolding of Be-ing as Good."

The Weaving of the Wickedary is an Originally Sinful Act,[†] for it questions and challenges the old saws/laws of the Lecherous State. It springs from the Original be-ing of women, from which patriarchal religion attempts to "save" us, but which is inherently Untouchable, Inviolate, and Wild. The Wickedary, then, is a dictionary for Witches.

The Wickedary is a Metadictionary, that is, a "Metapatriarchal dictionary, written by and for Wicked/Wiccen Websters; dictionary that Gossips out the Elemental webs of words hidden in patriarchal dictionaries and other resources." Thus the Wickedary is an entirely New Work. At the same Time, it is Ancient/Archaic.[*]

Many of the words contained in this book were Dis-covered in my earlier Word-Works.[2] Some of the Weaving was begun in my conversations with Cronies, especially during the past two decades, that is, since about 1968 A.F. (Archaic Future).[3]

The idea of the Wickedary itself first occurred to me in Leverett, Massachusetts in 1982, when I was immersed in the process of writing Pure Lust. Indeed, it began to appear in the pages of that work, as the astute reader has noticed. After I completed that book, I decided to bring the Wickedary into material existence and invited Jane Caputi to work in this Wicked project. In 1984 she joined me in Hammering out the general plan of this Work, and the adventurous Journey was well under way.

The creation of the Word-Webs in the Core of the Wickedary was an especially Strange and demanding task, impelling us to find peculiar solutions to the problems (metaproblems) that it posed. Many of the words had appeared in my Other books, but a large number of them were not simply defined but were explained at length in the context, or else by the context. The project of defining these words in Wickedary form, of Dis-covering many Other New Words, and of working out a system of classification was a strenuous and genuinely New creative endeavor. Since we were not unambitious, we added to a number of these definitions "Canny Comments," "Cockaludicrous Comments," and examples from various Sources. Many of these comments and examples were contributed by the Wild Hag Diana Beguine, who Searched them out in Weird places.

As I first wrote the Preliminary Webs and the Appendicular Webs, Jane and I brainstormed about the Wild Ideas contained therein and about the patterns of their flight. This Spinning/Working together was an inherent part of the Wickedary's Journey.

Naturally, Animals and Other Wild Messengers joined us on this Intergalactic Journey. There were frequent visits from Divining Familiars,[†] including Gaggles of Wild geese, ducks, sea gulls, toads, squirrels, cardinals (the Elemental kind), and a special spider who said her Name was Sarah. These animals all appeared at Strange Times of synchronicity, urging the Work on. The trees, the moon, and the stars shining on Crystal Lake gave immeasurable inspiration. A constant companion throughout the trip has been my Domestic Familiar, a Furry/Grimalkin known as Ms. Wild Cat, who has sat faithfully on dictionaries, dipping her tail into cups of coffee, and Cat/atonically encouraging the work.

Emily Culpepper contributed Canny criticisms and comments as we carefully scrutinized the manuscript together prior to publication. Nancy Kelly Gossiped Out snoolish oldspaper clippings and Gooney News items as well; she also galley-slaved with Fanatic zeal. Nilah MacDonald Prudishly proofread and contributed many Shrewd suggestions. Charlotte Cecil Raymond acted as a Wise and Witch-Crafty Wickedary agent. The helpful and expert copy editor was Barbara Flanagan. Marge Roberson generously provided skillful assistance in the preparation of the manuscript. I wish to express my deep gratitude to all of these Wicked workers.

The Conjuring of the Wickedary was stunningly enhanced by the A-mazing illustrations by Sudie Rakusin, who understood the Spirit of this Work instantly and instinctively. She was able to bring many Inhabitants of the Background vividly into Sight. These Muse, Race, Dance, and Hop off the pages, Acting as Wicked Gudies that inspire us to Journey ever further.

The Scheme/Skein of the Wickedary

The design, or scheme, of the Wickedary can be Seen/Heard as a skein. As Webster's explains, skein means "a loosely coiled length of yarn or thread." It also means "a flock of wild fowl (as geese or ducks) in flight." The Labyrinthine design of the Wickedary may appear twisted and contorted to those accustomed only to linear patterns such as graphs or charts. In fact, its order is organic and purposeful, and it can be compared to a flock of Wild fowl in flight.

Websters Hear/Know words as birds – often in flight, sometimes at rest on the earth, in trees, or in the ater (as geese in gaggles). Consequently, this ia Book of Augury. An Augur is a Soothsayer, "said to mean a diviner by the flight and cries of birds" (Walter W. Skeat, A Concise Etymological Dictionary of the English Language). The flight and cries of words/birds help us to Divine the way through the Labyrinthine passages which are the true pathways of the Metapatriarchal Journey of Exorcism and Ecstasy.[4] They also awaken the Labyrinth of the reader/hearer, that is, "the internal ear" (Webster's), which Websters understand to be the Elemental capacity for Hearing our way into and through these passages of the Background – the Wild reality hidden by the falsehoods of the patriarchal foreground.[5]

As Websters weave our ways on Labyrinthine Journeys, words come alive, and we weave and reweave their messages in Webs/Tapestries that depict their true context, their Background. In our weavings we follow the flights of words, which carry messages, hop, fly, soar, and sing. Like birds, words are winged. Moreover, they are ancestral spirits, awakening Memory. They can also be compared to Angels, messengers of the Goddess/es. The Wickedary is a Source Book of such messages.

The Phases of the Wickedary

The work of the Wickedary moves through three Phases. In The First Phase I have Woven special articles, or Preliminary Webs. These Strangely resemble and differ from the preliminary essays found in a normal patriarchal dictionary (dick-tionary). Thus the Wickedary has Preliminary Webs on the History/Metamystery of the work, Spelling, Grammar, Pronunciation, and Guides. All of these subjects, however, take on very different meanings in this context, for in the Tapestries of the Wickedary they come ALIVE. For example, Spelling is about the casting of Spells, and Guides are not mere banal guidelines, but, rather, vivacious spirited creatures. Thus elephants, cats, owls, Gnomes, Undines, and Sylphs guide the reader through Labyrinthine Wicked Ways.[*]

This Strange resemblance to and difference from the meanings of special article titles in ordinary dictionaries results from Dis-covering the maical powers of words as Labryses, or double axes wielded by Wild, Wicked women. While noting the banal definitions of such words as pronunciation, for example, Websters choose to Overlook[†] these and, forgoing the State of Boredom, to Re-member and wield deeper, more exciting meanings.

The Second Phase of this work conjures the Chorus of Wild Racing Words. The Race of Wild Words, like the Race of Wild Women, naturally gathers in tribes. Websters Dis-cover three major tribes of words, and consequently we find it appropriate to weave three large interconnecting Word-Webs, or Tapestries.[‡] These constitute the Core or Center of the Wickedary.

Word-Web One of the Core consists of Elemental philosophical words and phrases and Other key words which are major clues to the Ways of the Labyrinthine Journey. These can help Websters make complex, ecstatic leaps further into the Background and exorcise the demon-wardens who try to prevent this Journeying. A clue (or clew) is "a ball of yarn or thread.... the ball of thread used by Theseus as a guide through the labyrinth of Minos of Crete" (American Heritage). The clues of Word-Web One are important balls of thread, i.e., words which, when snatched by Websters, enable us to weave our ways on many complex routes, Dis-covering other clues along the way. Indeed, our constant yet always startling experience is that one clue/word always leads to another.

It may not be possible to grasp all of these major clues immediately. Hence, excursions into the Other Word-Webs of the Core are advisable, for they can inspire renewed vitality for re-turning to Word-Web One as well as for moving on. Hence the jumping creatures, such as kangaroos and grasshoppers, join the rabbits, squirrels, and toads in urging such excursions. They point out that Word-Webs Two and Three of the Core also contain significant clues. "Catch a clue and swing!" advise the spiders. "Hop, skip, and jump!" croak the frogs.[*]

Following such arachnidian and amphibian advice, Journeyers through the Wickedary explore Word-Web Two and there Dis-cover the Inhabitants of the Background, such as Grimalkins and Gorgons, observing and participating in their activities and characteristics. Swinging ahead into Word-Web Three, Travelers Realize that here we are viewing the foreground from the perspective of the Background, that is, studying snools and their colleagues, their characteristics, behaviors, and products. Our observations in the various Word-Webs cause us sometimes to jump with joy, sometimes to wail with grief, often to howl with Rage, and even/ever more frequently to roar and roll around in spasms of uncontrollable Laughter.

Such Laughter is an expression of exaltation, which means "a flight of larks" (American Heritage). Larking women follow the flights and songs of melodious Archaic words/birds. Thus enspirited we join their Chorus. The word chorus, derived from the Latin word meaning "ring dance, dance accompanied with singing, group of dancers and singers," carries messages concerning the activities of Wicked women. Our Original Chorusing is significantly Other than the wretched refrians and dull chorus lines of clonedom. Singing Westers Muse in harmony with te Music of the Spheres. Dancing Spinsters Prance, making the large and complex steps required for Macroevolution. The style of our Motion/E-motion is that of Nags who spring, caper, frisk, frolic, cavort, romp, gambol, and gallop unto our own Original Time/Space.

Our Prancing sometimes becomes Soaring. Soaring beyond the Core, Journeyers reach The Third Phase of the Wickedary. Here I have woven four Deliberately Delirious essays designed to assist Wicked women to stray and stay off the tracks of trained responses and traditional expectations. These Delirious essays, or Wanton Webs, are essential to the Tapestry of the Wickedary. Unlike the Preliminary Webs of The First Phase, these weavings do not resemble/dissemble the format of normal patriarchal dictionaries in any respect. They simply Spin Off from the Core, in a Bio-logical manner. Thus they can be called appendices, or Appendicular Webs, since they are important appendages – derivative but not unessential parts of the Wickedary's Wicked design.

The first of these Wanton Webs is a complex exposé of snool-made terms and phrases, hereafter known as elementary terms and phrases. These are characterized by artificiality, lack of depth, of aura, of interconnectedness with living be-ing. Since elementary terms fall/fail into several classes, Appendicular Web One consists of several parts, or Weblets. The organic structure of these Weblets is due entirely to the Elemental knowledge of Websters, and not at all to any vital signs in these necrophilic terms themselves. These are inherently dead and therefore boring. However, the process of Seeing Through them is of great interest to Searchers, who find stimulation in exposing simulations. In particular this exercise stimulates/activates the Virtue of Disgust.

Appendicular Web Two, on the subject of Be-Laughing, is an exercise in Elemental Humor. Here Howling Hags practice the Virtue of Laughing Out Loud. After Nixing the drooling of fools and the droning of clones, we move on to Hexing and X-ing, Spinning the Stamina needed to reach Appendicular Webs Three and Four. Arriving at these, Wonderlusting Wanderers Spin beyond the compasses and jump off the clocks that have kept us in line, locked up in the prisons of fathered time. Encouraged by dolphins and whales, we learn to trust our own Sense of Direction and Timing.

Joined by the Guides who have brought us this far, we prepare for the awesome arrival of Others. Reaching the end of the Wickedary is arriving at the beginning, for the work of Wicked Schemers/Skeiners continues. Our Wording Spirals on. Indeed, our project is Intergalactic, for it is an expression of Star-Lust, of seeking and finding Astral dimensions, Cosmic connections.

For such an Astral Adventure, standard english is pathetically inadequate, and even Wicked English is far from sufficient. Websters therefore invite Wild women of other tribes and tongues to weave their own Wickedaries.[*] We conjoin in the Conjuring of these Other Weird works – not as copies or clones but as Sister Word-Works expressing the Rainbow-Radiant Diversity of Hags, Nags, Furies, Spinsters whose different Mother Tongues can speak of Wonders yet unNamed. May this book be a catalyst, then, for such Other Wicked Dreams.

Mary Daly

Newton Centre, Massachusetts

Summer Solstice, 1987


[*]. Hereafter, the Wickedary refers to that work simply as Webster's.

[†]. See Originally Sinful Acts (Word-Web One). Readers are invited to look up this word and other Strange words in The Second Phase of the Wickedary, where they can be found in their appropriate Word-Webs.

[*]. For an explanation of the Archaic History of the Wickedary, see Preliminary Web One.

[†]. For more on Divining Familiars, see Preliminary Web Five.

[*]. For example, Ways of thinking, Ways of sensing, Ways of traveling, Ways of connecting, Ways of daring, Ways of Re-membering.

[†]. According to Webster's, one definition of overlook is "to look on with the evil eye: bewitch by looking on." Be-Witching Websters learn to Overlook banal and/or negative definitions of words by Be-Speaking these words in ways that release their positive, Biophilic meanings.

[‡]. The parts of the Core, as well as all the parts of the Wickedary, can appropriately be Named "Webs" as well as "Tapestries." According to Webster's, the first meaning of web is "a fabric as it is being woven on a loom or as it appears when removed from a loom (a web of lace)." This the word Web can convey that this work is not completed/finished – that it is always in process. (Clearly, our Elemental association with spiders is also implied.) At the same Time, there is a certain sense of completion, and therefore the word Tapestry also applies. This tension between incompletion and completion, characteristic of a work which is truly alive, can be explained through the application of another Metaphor: "creative crystalizing." See Mary Daly, Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism (Boston: Beacon Press, 1978), pp. 22-23.

[*]. See Preliminary Web Five.

[*]. Of course, these will not be called Wickedaries, but will have their own untranslatable titles. A superb example of how this can happen is the New Intergalactic German Word Hexikon, Dis-covered by Erika Wisselinck, literally meaning Wiches' Lexicon. See her translation of Pure Lust – Reine Lust: Elemental-feministische Philosophie (Munich: Verlag Frauenoffensive, 1986).


[1]. Judy Grahn, in The Queen of Wands (Trumansburg, N.Y.: The Crossing Press, 1982), p. xiii, has introduced the Name Webster. She writes: "This spirit is a weaving spider, a fate spinner from whose very body comes the cloth of life and time and understanding. I named this spirit webster, or Spider Webster. Webster is a word that formerly meant 'female weaver,' the 'ster' ending indicating a female ancestor, or female possession of the word."

[2]. These Word-Works by Mary Daly are:

  • The Church and the Second Sex (Boston: Beacon Press, 1985). This recent edition contains the text of the original edition (New York: Harper and Row, 1968) and the "Autobiographical Preface" and "Feminist Postchristian Introduction by the "Author from the Harper Colophon edition (1975), as well as the 1985 "New Archaic Afterwords."
  • Beyond God the Father: Toward a Philosophy of Women's Liberation (Boston: Beacon Press, 1973, 1985). The 1985 edition contains the "Original Reintroduction by the Author."
  • Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism (Boston: Beacon Press, 1978).
  • Pure Lust: Elemental Feminist-Philosophy (Boston: Beacon Press, 1984).

[3]. Some of these conversations with Cronies are recorded in the books cited in note 2 as well as in the notes to the various Webs of the Wickedary.

[4]. I have explained and elaborated upon the theme of this Journey in Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism, pp. 1-34.

[5]. The concepts Background and foreground were first named by Denise D. Connors during a conversation in Boston, October 1976. See Daly, Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism, pp. 2-3.

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