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The Moonspeaker:
Where Some Ideas Are Stranger Than Others...


Level One: Level Two: Level Three: Translation:

]Σαρδ . [. .]

αἱ Σάρδεις, Σάρδεων - Sardis, capital of Lydia, ancient kingdom in roughly present-day northwest Turkey; 3, f.

αἱ Σάρδεις, Σάρδεων - Sardis, capital of Lydia, ancient kingdom in roughly present-day northwest Turkey; 3, f.

αἱ Σάρδεις, Σάρδεων - Sardis, capital of Lydia, ancient kingdom in roughly present-day northwest Turkey; 3, f.


πόλ]λακι τυίδε [ν]ῶν ἔχοισα

ἔχω - to hold, have; i.v.

ὀ νόος, νόου - mind; 2, m.

ἔχω - to hold, have; i.v.

ὀ νόος, νόου - mind; 2, m.

ἔχω - to hold, have; i.v.

ὀ νόος, νόου - mind; 2, m.

πολλάκις - many times; adv. τυίδε - hither; adv.

Often here having (her )thoughts

ὠσπ[ερ] . [. . .] . [ι]ώομεν, .[. . .] . . χ[. .]

εἶμι - to go; i.v.

εἶμι - to go; i.v.

εἶμι - to go; i.v.

ὤσπερ - as, just as; conj.

just as... we could go...

σε θέα σ᾽ἰκέλαν ἀρι-

ἡ θέα, θέας - goddess; 1, f. συ, σοῦ - you; 1/2, c.

ἴκελη, ἴκελον, ἴκελος - like, resembling; M, adj.

ἡ θέα, θέας - goddess; 1, f. συ, σοῦ - you; 1/2, c.

ἴκελη, ἴκελον, ἴκελος - like, resembling; M, adj.

ἡ θέα, θέας - goddess; 1, f. συ, σοῦ - you; 1/2, c.

ἴκελη, ἴκελον, ἴκελος - like, resembling; M, adj.

(a) goddess resembling your famous self,


γνωτᾳ, σᾷ δὲ μάλιστ' ἔχαιρε μόλπᾳ

χαίρω - to rejoice, be happy; v.

ἠ μολπή, μολπής - song, dance with song; 1, f. συ, σοῦ - you; 1/2, c.

χαίρω - to rejoice, be happy; v.

ἠ μολπή, μολπής - song, dance with song; 1, f.

ἀρίγνωτη, ἀρίγνωτον, ἀρίγνωτος - like, resembling; M, adj.

χαίρω - to rejoice, be happy; v.

ἠ μολπή, μολπής - song, dance with song; 1, f. συ, σοῦ - you; 1/2, c.

ἀρίγνωτη, ἀρίγνωτον, ἀρίγνωτος - like, resembling; M, adj.

δέ - and; conj. μάλα - very; conj.

and most of all she rejoiced at your song

νῦν δὲ Λύδ[ι]αισιν ἐμπρέπεται γυναί-

ἐμπρέπω - to be conspicuous; v.

ἠ γύνη, γυναὶκος - woman; 1, f.

ἐμπρέπω - to be conspicuous; v.

ἠ γύνη, γυναὶκος - woman; 1, f.

Λύδια, Λύδιον, Λύδιος - Lydian; M, adj.

ἐμπρέπω - to be conspicuous; v.

ἠ γύνη, γυναὶκος - woman; 1, f.

Λύδια, Λύδιον, Λύδιος - Lydian; M, adj.

δέ - and; conj.

and now she is conspicuous among Lydian women

κεσσιν ὤς ποτ' ἀελίω

ἀ ἀέλιος, ἀέλιου - sun, Attic ἥλιος; 2, m.

ἀ ἀέλιος, ἀέλιου - sun, Attic ἥλιος; 2, m.

ἀ ἀέλιος, ἀέλιου - sun, Attic ἥλιος; 2, m.

ὠς - thus, how; conj. ποτε - whenever, when; adv.

(and) in this way (too) when (the) sun

δύντος ἀ βροδοδάκτυλος σελάννα

δύω - to sink, set; v.

ἠ σελάνα, σελάνας - moon, Attic σελήνη; 1, f.

δύω - to sink, set; v.

ἠ σελάνα, σελάνας - moon, Attic σελήνη; 1, f.

βροδοδάκτυλος, βροδοδάκτυλον - rosy-fingered; M, adj.

δύω - to sink, set; v.

ἠ σελάνα, σελάνας - moon, Attic σελήνη; 1, f.

βροδοδάκτυλος, βροδοδάκτυλον - rosy-fingered; M, adj.

having set rosy-fingered Selana

πάντα περρέχοισ' ἄστρα· φάος δ' ἐπί-

περρέχω - to surpass; i.v.

τὸ ἄστρον, ἄστρου - star; 2, n. τὸ φάος, φάεους - light; 3, n.

περρέχω - to surpass; i.v.

τὸ ἄστρον, ἄστρου - star; 2, n. τὸ φάος, φάεους - light; 3, n.

πάσα, πᾶν, πᾶς - all, every; M, adj.

περρέχω - to surpass; i.v.

τὸ ἄστρον, ἄστρου - star; 2, n. τὸ φάος, φάεους - light; 3, n.

πάσα, πᾶν, πᾶς - all, every; M, adj.

δέ - and; conj.

surpassing all the stars; and (her) light


σχει θάλασσαν ἐπ' ἀλμύραν

ἐπέχω - to pass over; i.v.

ἡ θάλασσα, θάλασσας - sea; 1, f.

ἐπέχω - to pass over; i.v.

ἡ θάλασσα, θάλασσας - sea; 1, f.

ἀλμυρά, ἀλμυρόν, ἀλμυρός - salty; M, adj.

ἐπέχω - to pass over; i.v.

ἡ θάλασσα, θάλασσας - sea; 1, f.

ἀλμυρά, ἀλμυρόν, ἀλμυρός - salty; M, adj.

ἐπί - on; prep.

and (her) light passes over (the) salty sea

ἴσως καὶ πολυανθέμοις ἀρούραις·

ἠ ἄρουρα, ἄρουρας - tilled field, field; 1, φ.

ἠ ἄρουρα, ἄρουρας - tilled field, field; 1, φ.

πολυανθής, πολυανθές - much blossoming; M, adj.

ἠ ἄρουρα, ἄρουρας - tilled field, field; 1, φ.

πολυανθής, πολυανθές - much blossoming; M, adj.

καί - and, also; conj. ἴσως - equally; adv.

and equally on (the) richly blooming flowers in the fields;

ἀ δ' ἐέρσα κάλα κέχυται τεθά-

χέω - to pour (out); v.

ὁ ἐέρσα, ἐέρσας - dew, Attic ἕρσα; 3, f.

χέω - to pour (out); v.

ὁ ἐέρσα, ἐέρσας - dew, Attic ἕρσα; 3, f.

κάλα, κάλον, κάλος - good, beautiful; M, adj.

χέω - to pour (out); v.

ὁ ἐέρσα, ἐέρσας - dew, Attic ἕρσα; 3, f.

κάλα, κάλον, κάλος - good, beautiful; M, adj.

δέ - and; conj.

and the beautiful dew has diffused

λαισι δὲ βρόδα κἄπαλ' ἄν-

θαλέω - to flourish, to be full of flowers; v.

τὸ βρόδον, βρόδω - rose; 2, n.

θαλέω - to flourish, to be full of flowers; v.

τὸ βρόδον, βρόδω - rose; 2, n.

ἀπαλή, ἀπαλόν, ἀπαλός - soft; Μ, adj.

θαλέω - to flourish, to be full of flowers; v.

τὸ βρόδον, βρόδω - rose; 2, n.

ἀπαλή, ἀπαλόν, ἀπαλός - soft; Μ, adj.

καί - and, also; conj. δέ - and, conj.

on fields flourishing with flowers both roses and tender

θρυσκα καὶ μελίλωτος ἀνθεμώδης·

μειδιάω - to smile; t.v.

τὸ ἄνθρυσκον, ἄνθρυσκου - chervil; 2, n. ὀ μελίλωτος, μελίλωτου - melilot clover; 2, n.

μειδιάω - to smile; t.v.

τὸ ἄνθρυσκον, ἄνθρυσκου - chervil; 2, n. ὀ μελίλωτος, μελίλωτου - melilot clover; 2, n.

ἀνθεμώδης, ἀνθεμώδες - flowery, blooming; M, adj.

μειδιάω - to smile; t.v.

τὸ ἄνθρυσκον, ἄνθρυσκου - chervil; 2, n. ὀ μελίλωτος, μελίλωτου - melilot clover; 2, n.

ἀνθεμώδης, ἀνθεμώδες - flowery, blooming; M, adj.

καί - and, also; conj.

flowering clover;


πόλλα δὲ ζαφοίταισ', ἀγάνας ἐπι-

ζαφοιτάω - to go back and forth, wander, Attic διαφοιτάω; v.

ζαφοιτάω - to go back and forth, wander, Attic διαφοιτάω; v.

πολλή, πολύ, πολύς, πολλαί, πολλά, πολλοί - many; M, adj. ἀγάνα, ἀγάνον, ἀγάνος - mild, gentle, Attic ἀγανή; M, adj.

ζαφοιτάω - to go back and forth, wander, Attic διαφοιτάω; v.

πολλή, πολύ, πολύς, πολλαί, πολλά, πολλοί - many; M, adj. ἀγάνα, ἀγάνον, ἀγάνος - mild, gentle, Attic ἀγανή; M, adj.

δέ - and; conj.

and many times going back and forth,

μνάσθεισ' Ἄτθιδος ἰμέρῳ

ἐπιμνάομαι - to set one's mind on, think back upon; i.v.

Ἄτθις, Ἄτθιδος - Atthis; 1, f. ὀ ἰμέροες - longing, passion, love; n. 3

ἐπιμνάομαι - to set one's mind on, think back upon; i.v.

Ἄτθις, Ἄτθιδος - Atthis; 1, f. ὀ ἰμέροες - longing, passion, love; n. 3

ἐπιμνάομαι - to set one's mind on, think back upon; i.v.

Ἄτθις, Ἄτθιδος - Atthis; 1, f. ὀ ἰμέροες - longing, passion, love; n. 3

thinking back upon mild Atthis with desire,

λέπταν ποι φρένα κ[..]ρ[...] βόρηται·

φυτεύω - to plant, sow; t.v. ἀρόω - to plough, till; t.v.

ἡ χείρ, χειρός - hand; 3, f. τὸ φυτόν, φυτοῦ - plant; 2, n.

φυτεύω - to plant, sow; t.v. ἀρόω - to plough, till; t.v.

ἡ χείρ, χειρός - hand; 3, f. τὸ φυτόν, φυτοῦ - plant; 2, n.

φυτεύω - to plant, sow; t.v. ἀρόω - to plough, till; t.v.

ἡ χείρ, χειρός - hand; 3, f. τὸ φυτόν, φυτοῦ - plant; 2, n.

οὔτε - and not; in pairs, and neither... nor; adv.

at that time she eats (her) phrenes (to the) edge...

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Last Modified: Sunday, September 08, 2024 13:53:00