ἠ κόμα, κόμης - hair of the head; 1, f. ἠ δαίς, δαιδός - torch; 3, f.
προφάω - to shine forth; a.v.
ἠ κόμα, κόμης - hair of the head; 1, f. ἠ δαίς, δαιδός - torch; 3, f.
προφάω - to shine forth; a.v.
ἠ κόμα, κόμης - hair of the head; 1, f. ἠ δαίς, δαιδός - torch; 3, f.
hair than (a) shining torch
σ[τεφάνοισιν ἐπαρτία[ις
ὀ στέφανος, στέφανου - that which encircles, crown; 2, m.
ὀ στέφανος, στέφανου - that which encircles, crown; 2, m.
ὀ στέφανος, στέφανου - that which encircles, crown; 2, m.
prepare (their) crowns differently
ἀνθέων ἐριθαλέων· [
τὸ ἄνθος, ἄνθους - bloom, flower; 2, n.
τὸ ἄνθος, ἄνθους - bloom, flower; 2, n.
ἐρίθαλλος, ἐρίθαλλον - growing luxuriantly, flourishing; M, adj.
τὸ ἄνθος, ἄνθους - bloom, flower; 2, n.
ἐρίθαλλος, ἐρίθαλλον - growing luxuriantly, flourishing; M, adj.
(making them of) blooming flowers; ...
μ]ιτράναν δ᾽ ἀρτιως κλ[εις
ἡ μίτρα, μίτρας - headband; 1, f. ἠ Κλείς, Κλειδός - Kleis, key; 3, f.
ἡ μίτρα, μίτρας - headband; 1, f. ἠ Κλείς, Κλειδός - Kleis, key; 3, f.
ἡ μίτρα, μίτρας - headband; 1, f. ἠ Κλείς, Κλειδός - Kleis, key; 3, f.
δέ - and; conj. ἀρτίως - just now, nearly; adv.
and recently, Kleis, (a) headband,
ποικίλαν ἀπὺ Σαρδίω[ν
αἱ Σάρδεις, Σάρδεων - Sardis, capital of Lydia, ancient kingdom in roughly present-day northwest Turkey; 3, f.
αἱ Σάρδεις, Σάρδεων - Sardis, capital of Lydia, ancient kingdom in roughly present-day northwest Turkey; 3, f.
ποικίλη, ποικίλον, ποικίλος - many-coloured, embroidered; M, adj.
αἱ Σάρδεις, Σάρδεων - Sardis, capital of Lydia, ancient kingdom in roughly present-day northwest Turkey; 3, f.
ποικίλη, ποικίλον, ποικίλος - many-coloured, embroidered; M, adj.
ἀπυ - from; prep.
(an) embroidered (one) from Sardis
. . . ] . α ονίας πόλ{ε}ις [
ἠ πόλις, πόλεως - city; 3, f.
ἠ πόλις, πόλεως - city; 3, f.
ὤνια, ὤνιον, ὤνιος - for sale, commercially imported; M, adj.
ἠ πόλις, πόλεως - city; 3, f.
ὤνια, ὤνιον, ὤνιος - for sale, commercially imported; M, adj.
... imported (from Lydian) cities...
Text amended with proposed completed spelling of the word for "mother."
This character sequence is difficult to parse, and often is not obviously translated as a result. Nevertheless, it bears a non-trivial resemblance to the verb ἐπαρτίζω "to get ready," and to the admittedly obscure noun ἐπαρτίαν, glossed παρασκευή, "preparation." Chasing references to ἐπαρτίαν further, the word ἀπαρτί, an adverb meaning "just to the contrary" turns up. Considering the overall theme of the poem, we can try an (in)cautious suggestion that this word as "prepare to the contrary," "prepare differently.