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The Moonspeaker:
Where Some Ideas Are Stranger Than Others...

SAPPHO FRAGMENTS: ἀλλ´ἔων φίλος ἄμμιν

Level One: Level Two: Level Three: Translation:

ἀλλ᾽ ἔων φίλος ἄμμιν λέχος ἄρνυσο νεώτερον·

εἰμι - to be; i.v. ἄρνυμαι - to win, choose; t.v.

ὀ φίλος, φίλου - friend; 2, m. τὸ λέχος, λέχεος - bed, marriage; 3, n.

εἰμι - to be; i.v. ἄρνυμαι - to win, choose; t.v.

ὀ φίλος, φίλου - friend; 2, m. τὸ λέχος, λέχεος - bed, marriage; 3, n.

νέα, νέον, νέος - young; M, adj.

εἰμι - to be; i.v. ἄρνυμαι - to win, choose; t.v.

ὀ φίλος, φίλου - friend; 2, m. τὸ λέχος, λέχεος - bed, marriage; 3, n.

νέα, νέον, νέος - young; M, adj.

ἀλλά - but; conj. ἄμμιν - to us, to me; pron.

But being (a) friend to us, choose (a) younger (man for) marriage;

οὐ γὰρ τλάσομ᾽ ἔγω σύν <τ᾽> οἴκην ἔσσα γεραιτέρα

τλάω - to suffer, dare; t.v. οίκέω - to live, dwell; t.v. εἰμι - to be; i.v.

τλάω - to suffer, dare; t.v. οίκέω - to live, dwell; t.v. εἰμι - to be; i.v.

γεραία, γεραίον, γεραίος - old; M, adj.

τλάω - to suffer, dare; t.v. οίκέω - to live, dwell; t.v. εἰμι - to be; i.v.

γεραία, γεραίον, γεραίος - old; M, adj.

γάρ - for; part. ἔγω - I; pron. σύν - with; prep. τοι - you; pron.

for I will not tolerate to live (in this way) with you being (the) elder (myself).


  1. The category of each noun demands close scrutiny in this poem.
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Last Modified: Sunday, September 08, 2024 13:53:00