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The Moonspeaker:
Where Some Ideas Are Stranger Than Others...


Level One: Level Two: Level Three: Translation:

ποικίλοθρον' ἀθανάτ᾽ Ἀφρόδιτα,

ἡ Ἀφρόδιτα, Ἀφρόδιτᾶς - Aphrodite; 1, f.

ἡ Ἀφρόδιτα, Ἀφρόδιτᾶς - Aphrodite; 1, f.

ποικίλοθρονος, ον - elaborate throned, ornate throned; 2 ἀθανάτη, ον, ος - immortal, undying; 2 (or 1 in poetry)

ἡ Ἀφρόδιτα, Ἀφρόδιτᾶς - Aphrodite; 1, f.

ποικίλοθρονος, ον - elaborate throned, ornate throned; 2 ἀθανάτη, ον, ος - immortal, undying; 2 (or 1 in poetry)

Elaborate throned, deathless Aphrodite,

παῖ Δίος δολόπλοκε, λίσσομαί σε,

λίσσομαι - to pray, beseech; t.v.

ἡ/ὁ παῖς, παιδός - child; 3, c. ὁ Ζεῦς, Δίος - Zeus; 2, m. συ, σοῦ - you; M, n.

λίσσομαι - to pray, beseech; t.v.

ἡ/ὁ παῖς, παιδός - child; 3, c. ὁ Ζεῦς, Δίος - Zeus; 2, m. συ, σοῦ - you; 1/2, n.

δολόπλοκος, ον - wile-weaving; 2, c.

λίσσομαι - to pray, beseech; t.v.

ἡ/ὁ παῖς, παιδός - child; 3, c. ὁ Ζεῦς, Δίος - Zeus; 2, m. συ, σοῦ - you; 1/2, c.

δολόπλοκος, ον - wile-weaving; 3, c.

wile-weaving child of Zeus, I pray you,

μή μ' ἄσαισι μηδ' ὀνίαισι δάμνα,

ἄσαιμι - to long for, be infatuated with; a.v. ὀνιάζω - to grieve, be distressed; t.v. (Attic ἀνιάζω) δαμνάω - to force, seduce; t.v.

ἐγώ, μοῦ - I; 1, f.

ἄσαιμι - to long for, be infatuated with; a.v. ὀνιάζω - to grieve, be distressed; t.v. (Attic ἀνιάζω) δαμνάω - to force, seduce; t.v.

ἐγώ, μοῦ - I; 1, f.

ἄσαιμι - to long for, be infatuated with; a.v. ὀνιάζω - to grieve, be distressed; t.v. (Attic ἀνιάζω) δαμνάω - to force, seduce; t.v.

ἐγώ, μοῦ - I; 1, f.

μή - don't; μή... μηδέ..., neither... nor; adv.

don't seduce me with longings or griefs,

πότνια, θῦμον,

ἡ πότνια, πότνιᾶς - queen, mistress, lady; 1, f. ὁ θῦμός, θῦμοῦ - heart, soul, life; 2, m.

ἡ πότνια, πότνιᾶς - queen, mistress, lady; 1, f. ὁ θῦμός, θῦμοῦ - heart, soul, life; 2, m.

ἡ πότνια, πότνιᾶς - queen, mistress, lady; 1, f. ὁ θῦμός, θῦμοῦ - heart, soul, life; 2, m.

lady, (don't force my) spirit,


ἀλλὰ τυίδ' ἔλθ', αἴ ποτα κἀτέρωτα

ἔρχομαι - to come, go; i.v.

ἔρχομαι - to come, go; i.v.

ἔρχομαι - to come, go; i.v.

ἀλλά - but; conj. τυίδε - hither, to here; adv. αἴ - if; adv. (Attic εἰ) πότα - ever; adv. καί - and, also; conj. ἐτέρωτα - at any time; adv. (Attic ἑτέρωθι)

but come here, if ever at another time

τὰς ἔμας αὔδας ἀίοισα πήλοι

αἰσθάνομαι - to perceive, hear; i.v.

ἡ αὐδή, αὐδᾶς - voice, song; 1, f.

αἰσθάνομαι - to perceive, hear; i.v.

ἡ αὐδή, αὐδᾶς - voice, song; 1, f.

ἐμός, ή, όν - my, mine; M, adj.

αἰσθάνομαι - to perceive, hear; i.v.

ἡ αὐδή, αὐδᾶς - voice, song; 1, f.

ἐμός, ή, όν - my, mine; M, adj.

πήλοι - from far away; adv. (Attic τηλοῦ)

having perceived my voice from far away

ἔκλυες, πάτρος δὲ δόμον λίποισα

κλύω - to hear; t.v. λείπω - to leave; t.v.

ὁ πάτηρ, πάτρος - father; 3, m. ὁ δόμος, δόμοῦ - house; 2, m.

κλύω - to hear; t.v. λείπω - to leave; t.v.

ὁ πάτηρ, πάτρος - father; 3, m. ὁ δόμος, δόμοῦ - house; 2, m.

κλύω - to hear; t.v. λείπω - to leave; t.v.

ὁ πάτηρ, πάτρος - father; 3, m. ὁ δόμος, δόμοῦ - house; 2, m.

δέ - and; conj.

you heard, and having left (the) house of (your) father

χρύσιον ἦλθες

ἔρχομαι - to come, go; i.v.

ἔρχομαι - to come, go; i.v.

χρύσιος, ον, η - golden; M, adj.

ἔρχομαι - to come, go; i.v.

χρύσιος, ον, η - golden; M, adj.

you came

ἄρμ' ὐπασδεύξαισα· κάλοι δέ σ' ἆγον

ἄγω - to go, come; i.v. ὐπασδεύγνυμι - to yoke, join together, harness; a.v.

τὸ ἄρμα, ἄρματος - chariot; 2, n. συ, σοῦ - you; 1/2, c.

ἄγω - to go, come; i.v. ὐπασδεύγνυμι - to yoke, join together, harness; a.v.

τὸ ἄρμα, ἄρματος - chariot; 2, n. συ, σοῦ - you; 1/2, c.

καλή, καλόν, καλός - beautiful, good; M, adj.

ἄγω - to go, come; i.v. ὐπασδεύγνυμι - to yoke, join together, harness; a.v.

τὸ ἄρμα, ἄρματος - chariot; 2, n. συ, σοῦ - you; 1/2, c.

καλή, καλόν, καλός - beautiful, good; M, adj.

δέ - and; conj.

having yoked your golden chariot; and (the) beautiful


ὤκεες στροῦθοι περὶ γᾶς μελαίνας

ἡ/ὁ στρουθός, στρουθοῦ - sparrow; 1/2, c. ἡ γᾶ, γᾶς - earth; 1, f.

ἡ/ὁ στρουθός, στρουθοῦ - sparrow; 1/2, c. ἡ γᾶ, γᾶς - earth; 1, f.

ὠκύς, ὠκεῖα, ὠκέα - swift, fleet; M, adj. μέλαινα, μέλαν, μέλας - dark; M, adj.

ἡ/ὁ στρουθός, στρουθοῦ - sparrow; 1/2, c. ἡ γᾶ, γᾶς - earth; 1, f.

ὠκύς, ὠκεῖα, ὠκέα - swift, fleet; M, adj. μέλαινα, μέλαν, μέλας - dark; M, adj.

περί - over; prep.

quick flying sparrows were drawing you over (the) dark earth

πύκνα δίννεντες πτέρ' ἀπ' ὠράνω

τὸ πτερόν, πτεροῦ - feather, wing; 2, n. ὁ ὠράνος, ὠράνω - heaven, skies; 2, m.

τὸ πτερόν, πτεροῦ - feather, wing; 2, n. ὁ ὠράνος, ὠράνω - heaven, skies; 2, m.

πυκνή, πυκνόν, πυκνός - close, narrow, compact; M, adj. δινήεις - whirling, eddying; M, adj.

τὸ πτερόν, πτεροῦ - feather, wing; 2, n. ὁ ὠράνος, ὠράνω - heaven, skies; 2, m.

πυκνή, πυκνόν, πυκνός - close, narrow, compact; M, adj. δινήεις - whirling, eddying; M, adj.

ἀπο - from; prep.

whirling narrow wings from airy heaven

αἴθερος διὰ μέσσω,

ὁ αἴθερος, αἴθερου - sky; 3, f. τὸ μέσσον, μέσσου - middle; 2, n.

ὁ αἴθερος, αἴθερου - sky; 3, f. τὸ μέσσον, μέσσου - middle; 2, n.

ὁ αἴθερος, αἴθερου - sky; 3, f. τὸ μέσσον, μέσσου - middle; 2, n.

διά - through; prep.

through (the) middle sky,

αἶψα δ' ἐξίκοντο· σὺ δ', ὦ μάκαιρα,

ἐξικνέομαι - to reach, arrive at; t.v.

ἡ μάκαιρα, μάκαιρας - blessed one, happy one; 1, f. συ, σοῦ - you; 1/2, c.

ἐξικνέομαι - to reach, arrive at; t.v.

ἡ μάκαιρα, μάκαιρας - blessed one, happy one; 1, f. συ, σοῦ - you; 1/2, c.

ἐξικνέομαι - to reach, arrive at; t.v.

ἡ μάκαιρα, μάκαιρας - blessed one, happy one; 1, f. συ, σοῦ - you; 1/2, c.

αἶψα - suddenly, adv.; δέ - and, conj.; ὦ - oh!

and immediately they arrived; and you, oh blessed (Goddess),

μειδιαίσαισ' ἀθανάτῳ προσώπῳ

μειδιάω - to smile; t.v.

τὸ προσώπον, προσώπου - face; 2, n.

μειδιάω - to smile; t.v.

τὸ προσώπον, προσώπου - face; 2, n.

ἀθάνατος, ἀθάνατον - deathless, immortal; 3, adj.

μειδιάω - to smile; t.v.

τὸ προσώπον, προσώπου - face; 2, n.

ἀθάνατος, ἀθάνατον - deathless, immortal; 3, adj.

having smiled with your immortal face


ἤρε' ὄττι δηὖτε πέπονθα κὤττι

ἔρομαι - to ask; t.v. πάσχω - to suffer, experience; i.v.

ἔρομαι - to ask; t.v. πάσχω - to suffer, experience; i.v.

ἔρομαι - to ask; t.v. πάσχω - to suffer, experience; i.v.

καί - and, also; conj. δη - indeed; part. ὄττι - what; adv. αὖτε - again; adv.

you ask what again Ι have suffered and why

δηὖτε κάλημμι,

κάλημμι - to call; a.v., Attic καλέω

κάλημμι - to call; a.v., Attic καλέω

κάλημμι - to call; a.v., Attic καλέω

δη - indeed; part. adv. αὖτε - again; adv.

again I call,

κὤττι μοι μάλιστα θέλω γένεσθαι

θέλω - to wish, want; t.v. γίγνομαι - to happen, become; t.v.

ἐγω - I; 3, c.

θέλω - to wish, want; t.v. γίγνομαι - to happen, become; t.v.

ἐγω - I; 3, c.

θέλω - to wish, want; t.v. γίγνομαι - to happen, become; t.v.

ἐγω - I; 3, c.

καί - and, also; conj. μάλιστα - especially; adv. ὄττι - what; adv.

what especially I wish to happen for me

μαινόλᾳ θύμῳ· τίνα δηὖτε πείθω

πείθω - to persuade; t.v.

ὁ θυμός, θυμοῦ - spirit, soul; 2, m. τίς, τίνος - who; 3, c.

πείθω - to persuade; t.v.

ὁ θυμός, θυμοῦ - spirit, soul; 2, m. τίς, τίνος - who; 3, c.

μαινόλης, μαινόλις - maddened, frenzied; 3, adj.

πείθω - to persuade; t.v.

ὁ θυμός, θυμοῦ - spirit, soul; 2, m. τίς, τίνος - who; 3, c.

μαινόλης, μαινόλις - maddened, frenzied; 3, adj.

δη - indeed; part. adv. αὖτε - again; adv.

in my maddened spirit; who again should I persuade1

ἄψ σ᾽ ἄγην ἐς ϝὰν φιλότατα; τίς σ', ὦ

ἀγω - to lead; t.v.

ἡ φιλότης, φιλότητος - love, friendship; 3, f. τίς, τίνος - who; 3, c. ἐγω - I; 3, c.

ἀγω - to lead; t.v.

ἡ φιλότης, φιλότητος - love, friendship; 3, f. τίς, τίνος - who; 3, c. ἐγω - I; 3, c.

ἀγω - to lead; t.v.

ἡ φιλότης, φιλότητος - love, friendship; 3, f. τίς, τίνος - who; 3, c. ἐγω - I; 3, c.

ἄψ - back; adv. ἐς - into; prep.

leading (her) back (to) you into that love? Someone,


Ψάπφ', ἀδικήει;

ἀδικέω - to wrong, injure; t.v.

ἡ Ψαπφώ, Ψαπφοῦς - Sappho; 3, f.

ἀδικέω - to wrong, injure; t.v.

ἡ Ψαπφώ, Ψαπφοῦς - Sappho; 3, f.

ἀδικέω - to wrong, injure; t.v.

ἡ Ψαπφώ, Ψαπφοῦς - Sappho; 3, f.

oh Sappho, wrongs you?

καὶ γὰρ αἰ φεύγει, ταχέως διώξει,

φεύγω - to flee, run away; i.v. διώκω - to pursue; t.v.

φεύγω - to flee, run away; i.v. διώκω - to pursue; t.v.

φεύγω - to flee, run away; i.v. διώκω - to pursue; t.v.

καί - and, also; conj. ταχέως - quickly; adv. αὶ - if; conj. (Attic εἰ) γάρ - for; part. (post-positive)

for even if she flees, quickly she will pursue,

αἰ δὲ δῶρα μὴ δέκετ', ἀλλὰ δώσει,

δέκομαι - to accept, receive; t.v. (Attic δέχομαι) δίδωμι - to give; t.v.

τὸ δῶρον, δώρου - gift; 2, n.

δέκομαι - to accept, receive; t.v. (Attic δέχομαι) δίδωμι - to give; t.v.

τὸ δῶρον, δώρου - gift; 2, n.

δέκομαι - to accept, receive; t.v. (Attic δέχομαι) δίδωμι - to give; t.v.

τὸ δῶρον, δώρου - gift; 2, n.

αὶ - if; conj. (Attic εἰ) δέ - and, conj. μή - not; conj. ἀλλά - but; conj.

and if she will not accept gifts, but she will give (them),

αἰ δὲ μὴ φίλει, ταχέως φιλήσει

φιλέω - to love; i/t.v.

φιλέω - to love; i/t.v.

φιλέω - to love; i/t.v.

αὶ - if; conj. (Attic εἰ) δέ - and; conj. μή - not; conj. ταχέως - quickly; adv.

and if she does not love, quickly she will love

κωὐκ ἐθέλοισα.

ἐθέλω - to want, be willing; i.v.

ἐθέλω - to want, be willing; i.v.

ἐθέλω - to want, be willing; i.v.

καί - and, also; conj. οὐκ - not; adv.

even unwilling.


ἔλθε μοι καὶ νῦν, χαλέπαν δὲ λῦσον

ἔρχομαι - to come, go; i.v. λύω - to loose, release; t.v.

ἐγω - I; 3, c.

ἔρχομαι - to come, go; i.v. λύω - to loose, release; t.v.

ἐγω - I; 3, c.

χαλεπή, χαλεπόν, χαλεπός - difficult, grievous; M.

ἔρχομαι - to come, go; i.v. λύω - to loose, release; t.v.

ἐγω - I; 3, c.

χαλεπή, χαλεπόν, χαλεπός - difficult, grievous; M.

δέ - and; conj. καί - and, also; conj. νῦν - now; adv.

Come to me even now, and release (me) from grievous

ἐκ μερίμναν, ὄσσα δέ μοι τέλεσσαι

τελέω - to fulfil, accomplish; t.v.

ἡ μέριμνα, μέριμνας - care, anxiety; 1, f. ἐγω - I; 3, c. ὄσσαι, ὄσσα, ὄσσοι - whoever, whatever; M (Attic ὅσαι, ὅσα, ὅσοι)

τελέω - to fulfil, accomplish; t.v.

ἡ μέριμνα, μέριμνας - care, anxiety; 1, f. ἐγω - I; 3, c. ὄσσαι, ὄσσα, ὄσσοι - whoever, whatever; M (Attic ὅσαι, ὅσα, ὅσοι)

τελέω - to fulfil, accomplish; t.v.

ἡ μέριμνα, μέριμνας - care, anxiety; 1, f. ἐγω - I; 3, c. ὄσσαι, ὄσσα, ὄσσοι - whoever, whatever; M (Attic ὅσαι, ὅσα, ὅσοι)

δέ - and; conj. ἐκ - out; prep.

care, and whatever fulfills

θῦμος ἰμέρρει, τέλεσον, σὺ δ' αὔτα

ἰμέρρω - to long for, desire; i.v. (Attic ἱμείρρω) τελέω - to fulfil, accomplish; t.v.

ὁ θυμός, θυμοῦ - spirit, soul; 2, m. ἐγω - I; 3, c. αὔτα, αὔτο, αὔτος - her, him, it, -self; M

ἰμέρρω - to long for, desire; i.v. (Attic ἱμείρρω) τελέω - to fulfil, accomplish; t.v.

ὁ θυμός, θυμοῦ - spirit, soul; 2, m. ἐγω - I; 3, c. αὔτα, αὔτο, αὔτος - her, him, it, -self; M

ἰμέρρω - to long for, desire; i.v. (Attic ἱμείρρω) τελέω - to fulfil, accomplish; t.v.

ὁ θυμός, θυμοῦ - spirit, soul; 2, m. ἐγω - I; 3, c. αὔτα, αὔτο, αὔτος - her, him, it, -self; M

δέ - and; conj.

(what) my spirit desires, fulfill (it), and you yourself

σύμμαχος ἔσσο.

εἰμί - to be; i.v.

εἰμί - to be; i.v.

σύμμαχος, σύμμαχον - allied with, fight with; 3, adj.

εἰμί - to be; i.v.

σύμμαχος, σύμμαχον - allied with, fight with; 3, adj.

will be (my) ally.


  1. The verb form πείθω is spelled the same in both the present indicative and present subjunctive in the first person singular. Since Aphrodite is asking what Sappho wants, not what she (Aphrodite) is already doing, logically it has to be the subjunctive here.
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Last Modified: Monday, January 01, 2024 01:26:18